[5] Reminiscing

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About two-three days later...

Coco playfully pounced on the catnip-filled mouse toy that Blue moved and swayed around, Coco not losing sight of it for even a second.

She stared at the mouse held in Blueberry's boney hand, readying herself to pounce once more.

Error observed the two as they played, quietly laughing to himself.

"tHoSe T-wO rEa-LlY aRe SoMeTh-InG, hUh ReA-pS?" Error said, glancing over at Reaper.

Reaper just smiled warmly at Error before turning his sight towards Coco and Blue.

"Yea, they both seem rattled up, but in a good way! I do hope Coco can keep up with him." He replied.

Blue grinned as he threw the mouse into the unknown, although it didn't go far with Coco's swift speed.

Reaper glanced back at Error.

"So, remember when you told me a bit about that past of yours? Well, I was wondering if there was anything that was humerus about it." The cloaked skeleton said.

Error glanced down at the pure white floor with guilt. *Why did he have to bring that up?* The glitching skeleton thought.

Sighing, he started to quickly try and remember any memory he could.

"i CaN-t. SoRrY rEaPs." Error responded.

Death let out a sigh before smirking once more. "It's perfectly fine, Erry! It's not you're fault that you're memory is lost." He said, quietly chuckling.

Maybe, just maybe, Error would get hia memory back. Someday. Reaper thought to himself as he let out a soft sigh, and continued to quietly watch the skeleton and the cat go at it.

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