uh i dont really like this chapter but okay

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Good didn't know how to react.

It's not like he'd never been hugged before, he's gotten plenty. Mostly however by people he doesn't particularly like around him. Nobody by anyone he actually tolerated, not for years, not since... not since he last saw his brother. No, he couldn't possibly even begin to compare how he felt about Jef to how he felt about his brother. It was different. Good didn't know what it was he felt for Jef but it was different.

Jef looked up at him, brown eyes focused on the snow white demon's flabbergasted (hehe big word go brrr) expression. Jef himself had a nervous, slightly worried expression, then it faded into a slight smile as he realized Good wasn't, in fact, going to attack or yell at him like he'd been expecting. The demon stood there, unmoving for a second, before he slowly wrapped his own arms around Jef. A reddish-orangish colour spread onto the shorter boy's cheeks, confusing Good- although his own cheeks were lit up in a light teal colour.

The hug successfully achieved its goal of calming Good- who, albeit privily, actually quite enjoyed the physical contact. Jef also was also thoroughly relishing the hug and leaned himself against the much taller demon, closing his eyes. It felt safe, and warm, very very warm. After what felt like an eternity, even though it was really only one or two minutes, Good let go and pushed Jef away. "Alright, that's enough of your... touchy feely hug. I think we've both made our points."

Jef frowned, opening his eyes and letting go of Good. Oh well, it wasn't the end of the world, and Jef knew that Good would make him stop sooner or later. Still, he wished for just a little bit longer in the warmth of Good's grip. Just a few more seconds, that's what he'd thought, but if he had the choice he'd remain there as long as he could. His blush intensified and he glanced away from Good, fidgeting with his own fingers.

Good didn't push Jef away because he didn't like the hug or physical contact. Quite the opposite actually, it was just that he wasn't really used to much contact that wasn't unwanted or harmful- the latter came with the former, but still. He looked down to Jef and tilted his head, tail flicking. He then paused, before he asked a question which only the most oblivious of people could possibly ask.

"Your face is... discoloured. And you're fidgeting. Are you-" He hesitated to ask the question. It would be a blank confession that he actually cared. Even though it was already obvious he cared at least a little, he couldn't let his facade of the man who hates everyone slip. "Not like it actually matters at all to me, but are you alright?"

Jef looked up at Good immediately, 'slightly' alarmed by the question. It felt as though his heart would burst out from his chest at any moment. Good would figure it out and then, and then what? Jef had no place to go, to escape to- even so that's not even taking into account how Good could respond! Jef had never even heard Good mention anything about love, so how did the demon feel about it...? For all Jef knew, Good could be in a relationship- okay, that was a stretch. If Good was in a relationship Jef would have at least heard the person's name, and the only people Jef knew Good knew were Nightmare, obviously no, and Pandas, which is just an even bigger no.

"I'm perfectly fine," Jef mumbled, then tried to speak up normally, "Just feeling a little, uhm, a little under the, uhm, weather- feeling, uhm, sick I mean..."

"Well don't -redacted- give me whatever -redacted- you have then! You trying to get me -redacted- sick too?" Good said, taking a step back away from Jef. He didn't actually care if Jef was sick, well he was slightly worried for Jef's sake but not significantly, but he'd been way too transparent about his emotions previously. It was a wall he'd built that would take more than a simple hug to break down fully. Jef had seen what's hidden behind it though, and was determined to tear it down no matter how long it took.

"Sorry," Jef said quietly, looking back away from Good. He wouldn't be able to hug Good again now would he? He could have come up with a much better excuse as to why he was blushing- without saying he was blushing of course, that would be far too obvious. He sighed a little to himself, now a strong feeling of sadness washing over him. He wanted, no, he needed acknowledgement and affection. It was allowed to him, and then taken away, and beforehand Jef didn't even think about hugging Good.

Unaware of the unpleasant situation Jef was in, Good walked towards the kitchen to grab his favourite snack; blueberries. He grabbed a small container and opened it, tossing a blueberry into his mouth. His mind wandered to a question, why did he care about Jef so much? At this point it was clear to him that it was more than just toleration. If he was tolerating Jef because he stayed out of his way, then why did it upset him so much that Jef had been gone? If he was tolerating Jef because he stayed out of his way, the hug would tick him off.

Good had taken quite a shine to Jef and he knew this but- why? Why let Jef have a spot in his heart when nobody else could? What was so special about Jef that made Good actually want his company, and get Good to panic when he thought Jef could be in trouble? Why, oh, why was it so hard for Good to just tell himself to block Jef away like he had done countless others, just so he didn't care if he lashed out..?

Jef, on the other hand, didn't care why he felt how he felt. He just wanted the joy, the love, the sweet feeling of belonging somewhere. The raw happiness and positive feelings certainly skyrocketed around Good, but they crashed down low when he was gone. Just as there are two sides to every coin, there were two sides to the emotion Jef's feelings for Good raised. The boy laid down on the couch. He was very tired, he'd only just realized, he hadn't slept during the day because he'd spent it with TommyOutit. So he closed his eyes, slowly beginning to drift off into a deep sleep where all his desires were easily within his grasp.

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