Untitled Part 27

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Admin sincerely apologizes for the late update and kindly requests you dont murder her))

Jef tossed and turned on the couch, blankets he'd borrowed from Good being haphazardly tossed to the side from how much the sleeping male was moving. He was stuck in a nightmare, unable to force himself to wake up from this confusing and nonsensical series of images manufactured by his brain. They'd been happening more and more frequently, and a lot of them involved that figure. The same person that he had sworn he saw at the party, but turned out to be someone else entirely.

Some of the dreams were better than others. The little doll girl also had a human form that resembled Jef. He assumed that they were supposed to be siblings, or relatives in some way. There were also people he assumed were supposed to be his parents. They didn't always make sense, however, and in some dreams Jef and the doll girl were left alone and unsupervised as children. Something seemed off, but he couldn't figure out what.

At the moment, however...

The young boy was breathing heavily as he bolted through the forest, running from an unseen assailant. His orange eyes showed nothing but pure fear as he tripped over a tree root, stumbling down to the ground. Jef looked up, only to see a familiar face, one he trusted. Or, thought he did, at the very last.

The witch whom he'd lived with for a while. But, something seemed off- she seemed cold and there was this terrifying air about her. Jef hadn't been afraid of her before, but now everything about her just... It shook Jef to his very core. He scrambled upright and bolted into the opposite direction, trembling only to come face to face with the unnamed person who kidnapped the one he'd assumed to be his sister.

Up the stairs and down the hall, a certain nine foot tall snowy white demon was beginning to stir. He rolled over, seeking a comfortable position as he woke. Well, he was only somewhat awake, and had yet to actually open his eyes. Good was fully intending to just go back to sleep the second his body allowed it, however those thoughts were pushed aside by a growling and pained stomach area. He reached out to grab a pillow, face soon in a sheet filled with feathers as he groaned in annoyance.

"It's way too -redacted- early for this, I swear to Herobrine... What time even is it...?" Good complained, finally opening his eyes. He lifted his head and looked over at the clock. Not even half an hour before five am, definitely too early in his opinion. He unfurled himself from his curled up position- he slept much like a cat or dog would, in a doughnut shape- stretching his arms and legs out. The tall male's tail curled in circles and unraveled, before finally unfurling and just laying flat on the bed with the fluffy white heart shaped tuft of fur attached to the end hanging off the bed.

After a few moments of contemplating his decision, Good finally slipped out of bed and stood up, stretching a little more. His talons made satisfying clicks as he stepped on the wooden floor, however his movements were mostly silent. With his hood left on the side table in his bedroom, he strolled down the hall and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. He paused in the living room, where the stairs were on the bottom floor, and he looked at the couch at Jef. Good, quietly as he could, grabbed the blanket he had lent to Jef and set the blanket back on top of him. The fluffy hands brushed against Jef's shoulder, somewhat relaxing him.

"Easy," Good whispered, setting his hand on the male's cheek, running his thumb over it. Jef relaxed in his sleep, slightly leaning into the touch. The taller male only realized what he was doing and that be was staring at Jef after his stomach protested at the lack of him getting food. A dark navy blue blush spread across the demon's cheeks as he quickly walked towards the kitchen.

He tapped his talons on the ground in a little tune as he looked in the fridge, searching for a quick snack. As usual, blueberries seemed to be the perfect snack, and he grabbed a package of them. Not long after, however, a scream came from the living room, causing Good to jolt up in alarm. The demon slammed the fridge shut and bolted into the living room, claws digging into and tearing the wood floors.

Jef shot upright on the couch, hyperventilating. He wasn't entirely sure why but, everything about the dream terrified him. Like there was something more to it that his subconscious knew, but he didn't himself. The dream had left off with his arm being snatched by the hunter, then the sound of a glass bottle shattering. He was shaking, running his hands through his hair then down to the back of his neck as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Jeffy? You good?" Good asked in a just slightly concerned tone, attempting to conceal his care. However, letting the nickname of 'Jeffy' slip and not realizing it was good enough evidence to prove that he was concerned, even worried for the shorter male. Who he definitely didn't have a crush on, it's so clear that he didn't that it didn't even need to be stated.

The brunet looked over at Good. "Y-yeah! Sorry... Did I wake you up?" He asked, readjusting his orange beanie. The demon walked over to Jef's side.

"No, you didn't, and no, you're not good," The fluffy male declared, looking down at Jef with a small glare. "Don't lie to me, Jeffery."

"It's just a weird dream, that's all," Jef explained with a reassuring smile. "Not sure why it scared me as much as it did, but I'm fine now."

Good rolled his eyes, opening his packet of blueberries and tossing one in his mouth. "Mhmmmm."

"Hey, what time is it? I'm still human so, that means it's not sunrise yet... if I didn't wake you up, what did?"

"I was hungry, Jef."

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