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Fanart feature made by Xenia1908. The cover is actually more or less a second panel to this :D

One week.

For one entire week, there wasn't a single clue as to where Jef had gone and Good was losing it. It hurt Good! Yeah, he did have other friends, like Nightmare and George and such, but Jef was different. Jef was someone Good could bear to be around always, but with the others he needed to be in a specific mood to actually enjoy being around. Yes, contrary to popular belief, Good could enjoy being around people. He just didn't like to show it.

At this point, he was willing to do anything to get Jef back, and that included asking for help. That is what led him to go uninvited to Nightmare's mansion of his own accord. He stood in front of the door, hesitating for a moment. His tail flicked behind him, the blue-heart shaped tuft at the tip of the tail glowing very faintly. Good raised his hand, which bore a light grey fingerless glove, and knocked on the door.




For several minutes, there was no response. Good lost his patience around the eleventh minute and knocked on the door more aggressively. Banging on the door was a more accurate descriptor, and the demon ended up hurting his knuckles. Not to the point that they bled or bruised, but enough for Good to register pain. He didn't care, though, he just wanted- no, he needed his Jeffy back. Sweet, adorable Jeffy.

"Nightmare, are you -redacted- in there!?" Good exclaimed, however it lacked his normal aggressive tone. His voice relayed a sense of urgency, which was very unlike himself. Nevertheless, desperate times called for desperate measures. Which, for Good? The very act of asking for help was a last resort. Other than Pandas, Jeffy had gotten him attached more than anyone else had since-

Since Good ran away from Bad.

Bad had a nice life back in what we refer to as the normal DSMP- although, whether or not it is actually the original universe is debatable, if there even is such a thing. He had his quote on quote 'best friend' Skeppy, and they were happy. Still, Bad could never forget his brother, despite Good's temper he was still Bad's little brother, and he couldn't possibly be replaced. He wasn't mad at Good, sure he'd had a moment where he was upset, but it was very short lasting. Afterwards, he was just sad about the entire ordeal and wanted Good back. Skeppy knew about Good too- Bad told him just about everything. Skeppy, too, knew how much Bad missed Good. Even though Good didn't.

"What is it?" Nightmare asked as he opened the door, looking up at Good. He had a raised eyebrow underneath his frowny-face mask. He noticed the worried expression on Good's face, and that triggered immediate alarm. "George and Pandas are also inside. Come in if you want," Nightmare moved out of the way to allow Good to walk inside, and the demon bent over to walk through the doorway.

"Jef's missing. He's been missing. For a week," Good revealed to Nightmare with a serious voice. He began to walk towards the room where George and Pandas likely were- the living room, of course. He didn't seem to be wrong, as Nightmare followed without attempting to correct his route.

"Maybe he just walked off and got lost?" The masked male suggested. Good shook his head, coal black eyes now turned into a glare.

"Do you really think I would come here if that was likely what happened? The door was left open and there was an orange liquid that I can only assume is his blood at the bottom of the stairs. Not to mention, he was in his doll form so he couldn't reach the handle and there were no steps or anything of the sort to help him go up and reach it. Plus, Jef is clumsy with the undergrowth and would have fallen and left a trail. There wasn't so much as a snapped twig lain on the ground," The demon elucidated, tail flicking from side to side- less in mild annoyance and more so in worry. The pair entered the living room, where George and Pandas were discussing something in hushed tones. Once they saw Nightmare and Good, they immediately stopped talking to each other.

(I wonder what they were talking about... also elucidated is my new favourite word. Thesaurus is my best friend.)

"Hi mom," Pandas greeted in his usual hushed volume, accompanied by a wave and a small smile. He tilted his head upon seeing how upset Good looked- naturally, he picked up on it more so than George or Nightmare. Good was his mother after all, so he was far better at reading his emotions.

"Greetings glorified snowball and hello my wonderful handsome glorified coal marshmall-" George said, first to Good then to Nightmare, with a grin. Nightmare blushed under his mask at being called George's 'wonderful handsome', luckily however his mask prevented anyone from being able to see.

"As much as I appreciate you two flirting with each other, now is not the -redacted- time," Good interrupted. Nightmare jolted up slightly, the pink turning into a flustered fiery crimson colour.

"It's not flirting with each other! He's the one flirting with me, not the other way around!" Nightmare yelled defensively. George nodded.

"Unfortunately, if only Nightmare did flirt back," George sighed. Yes, this was how George always acted, and yes, Nightmare was an oblivious -redacted- marshmallow boy who thought it was just a joke or an act. Pandas looked between George, Nightmare, and Good. Good's tail flicked.

"There ar-" Good tried to speak, but was immediately interrupted.

"Shut up George-!" Nightmare yelled, before involuntarily going into his blob mode. A pitch black marshmallow-y creature with a white frowny face on him. Where did his clothes go? No idea. Only the marshmallow blob.

"Awwe~!" George squealed, setting his hands on his cheeks before removing them to pick up a struggling blob. Nightmare let out angry squeaks at the colourblind male, trying to get out of his grip, but George ignored it with his orange eyes shimmering as he looked at Nightmare. Pandas then spoke in a slightly raised voice.

"Can you please be quiet for five seconds and pay attention to whatever is bothering mom???" 

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