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What are these titles anymore-

Dear DDD fans, the author cannot write Skeppy so she had a friend do it for her. Said friend is also today's fanart feature! Go check out TanukiKei before I steal your soul-)

"Not the -redacted- time, Nightmare."


Pandas watched the pair of demons, half hidden behind a tree and very confused. His mother knew this person and not only that but Good was being nice to this person. Clearly he must be very important to Good. So why hadn't Good ever told Pandas about him or anything like that? The younger demon felt uneasy about this entire ordeal, his tail flicking nervously from side to side.

Bad quickly went up to Good and hugged him tightly, practically squishing his little brother. "Of course I was looking for you, Good! I care about you," The muffin demon spoke softly. Good slowly, hesitantly hugged back, tail now wagging ever so slightly. "Not just because you're my brother. But because I really do care, Good."

"... Thank you," The misanthropic male replied quietly. He didn't know what to say. He'd tricked himself into thinking that Bad hated him, and now that he knew he didn't? He just felt guiltier. About hurting Bad, about running away, about everything... including the fact that he wouldn't go home. Because he was already home. He couldn't leave Nightmare or Geo even if they never seemed to get along. He couldn't leave Pandas, because he's his child and Good wouldn't leave him for the world. He couldn't leave Jef, even if he couldn't find him, because he loved him.

Even if it meant that he had to upset his brother, he had found where he belonged and he wouldn't leave any time soon. Don't get Good wrong, he wants to keep Bad in his life! He'd already lost him once and that was more than enough. However, he has a place here, and he wouldn't- couldn't abandon it.

"Of course, Good... Why don't you introduce me to your friends?" Bad asked, letting go of his little brother.

"That's GeorgeIsLost or Geo for short. Over there is Nightmare," Good said, pointing at each one as he introduced them. He didn't see Pandas, although that was because the ice demon was hiding. That was something he was very good at, even if it was just behind a tree. "This is basically a universe opposite to yours or some sh-stuff." Bad noted that Good said yours rather than ours, even if he was from the same universe. "Nightmare, Geo, this is BadBoyHalo. Swear in front of him and I'll beat you."

"You're the profane one," Geo commented with a smirk. Nightmare nodded in agreement, after all, who could argue with that? You might as well call swearing Goodboyhalo-ing with how frequently Good does it.

"...he's trying to censor himself, at least..." Pandas' small voice commented as he stepped out from behind the tree. He looked up at Bad nervously, fidgeting with his sleeves before hiding behind the tree again.

"Oh hello there," Bad spoke softly out to Pandas, kneeling down so he wasn't as tall and intimidating. Pandas poked his head out from behind the tree hesitantly, staring up at Bad. "What's your name?" Pandas glanced at the ground, then Good gently called him over.

"Hey, Pandas, it's alright, you can come over. He won't hurt you, he's nice. You can trust him," Good spoke softly and sweetly, something only Pandas got. Motherboyhalo was a wonderful parent, no matter how rude or cruel he could be to anyone else. The ice demon hesitated, but he trusted Good. He scrambled out from behind the tree, only to hide behind his mother.

"H...hi..." He murmured, barely audible. Bad nearly squealed at how adorable this icey bean was! "I'm... uhm... Pandas..."

"Nice to meet you Pandas! My name's Badboyhalo, but most people just call me BBH or Bad," The tallest demon greeted. "This is Skeppy, my best friend!" BBH carefully picked Skeppy up out of his pocket, making sure not to hurt the tiny diamond man. Skeppy waved, smiling a bit.

"Hey." The two foot diamond being said, as he sat on the other's palm. Pandas waved slowly, before hiding more behind his mother. Good pat his head.

"I have never met you before and I don't really care who you are but Bad says you're his best friend so I guess I'll tolerate you," Good commented towards Skeppy, then changed his focus to Bad. "Pandas is my son." Bad looked shocked for a moment, then smiled brightly.

"So I'm an uncle now?" He asked, his tail wagging. Geo took a second to process what had just been said.

"Hold up, you two are related, wait what-!?" Geo exclaimed confusedly. Nightmare let out a disapproving sigh, shaking his head.

"It's kinda obvious. They're both really tall fluffy demons, and Good is actually being relatively nice. Do you think he'd censor himself for anyone who he isn't related to- or in love with, I mean, he'd probably stop swearing for Jef," The masked male commented. Good glared at him with a small growl.

"I am not in love with Jef," He snarled. Skeppy cocked his head.

"Who the hell is Jef?" He asked. "Kinda need some context over here. I don't even know you." He pointed at Good.

"Language!" Bad scolded. "Good question though- who is Jef?" The black furred demon asked. Good's tail flicked and he recalled what the group was doing before finding Bad and this- Skeppy person.

"Jef is your counterpart in this universe I would assume, 'Skeppy', and we should get back to finding him," Good stated in an annoyed tone. The snowy furred male turned to walk away, but was stopped by Bad.

"Wait! Can we help you?" Bad asked. He had intended on convincing Good to come back when he found him, but Good seemed to have found his home here. His friends- his family too, as clear by Pandas literally being Good's son. Bad simply chose not to question who his mother was, having not been informed that Pandas was adopted and also not knowing that Pandas referred to Good as mom.

Good halted. He didn't want to lose Bad again, or run away from him again, but it was a little awkward to be around Bad while he didn't know half of what happened. He shook his head to himself, but Bad took it as a no, leading his tail to droop and a frown to form on his expression, only for it to light up again at Good's response. "Sure, I guess. Everything's a dead end though. We ran out of leads ages ago."

"Well, if he's my opposite, just think opposite of me. Where are my usual hiding spots, Bad?" Skeppy asked, as he stood up on his best friend's hand. He glittered in the sun, his body composed of crystal blue diamonds. Good shook his head.

"He's not hiding. In fact, I'm pretty certain he was kidnapped."

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