part 3: unanswered questions

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Callie's POV:

Anwir Jones, he's AJ. He's the one who sent me that card.

But why?

I sat in the cafe after he left just thinking about the overload of things I had been told. He knew my father. He knows what he worked as. And as far as I could work out, my dad came up with the idea for their job. Anwir said that it was "an idea that would change our lives".

How did dad's job change his life? We aren't rich so it couldn't have been that life changing. However, I think back to Anwir's clothing. They were so fancy- I can't imagine him and dad working in the same place.

It's odd to feel like someone you thought you knew so well may actually be a complete stranger living another life.

I fear that stranger may be my dad.

I'm so confused and my brain feels like it's doing a billion backflips whilst juggling.

When I got home, mum wasn't in. I figured by how late it was when I came home that she probably wasn't going to be back until the morning.

I change out of my work clothes and put on my joggers and vest. I actually don't think I own a pair of pyjamas. Usually I just throw on some comfy clothes or use old clothes that I don't wear anymore.

I make my way into mum and dad's bedroom. I'm hoping I can find some sort of evidence that dad and Anwir knew each other. If Anwir is telling the truth about how long they've known each other then dad must have something. A photo. A letter. Anything.

I look through all his drawers but I can't see anything. I go through his phone but again, I can't see anything that shows he knew Anwir. I look in his shared closet with mum and check his side. Most of his clothes have gone when mum decided to have a clear out of his things.

In the closet I find an old pair of his slippers and his brown coat. He would always wear that brown coat. I used to make fun of it because it had stains all over it that weren't able to come out in the wash. Dad loved it though. He got it from a charity shop and he barely ever wore any of his other coats once he came to possess the brown one.

I look at it and try to see what my dad saw in it. I think he liked it's imperfections. He would always tell me that the uniqueness of something stems from its imperfections.

I take the coat off the hanger and put it on. I go and look in the mirror and I smile when I see the coat that my father loved so fondly.

I put my hands into the pocket of the coat and when I do I feel my hand touch something small inside. When I pull out what I felt I see that it's a button. I look to the coat but it doesn't seem to be missing any.

The button is polished gold with tiny intricate designs on it. This definitely would not belong on dad's coat.

I take the button and place it into the pocket of my joggers. I take dad's coat off and hang it back up in the closet where I found it and I continue to check around the room but nothing seems to stand out.

Is Anwir really telling the truth?

He seemed to be so confident when talking about my dad so he's either a very good actor or he was being genuine. I really need more answers so I'm praying that he shows up to the cafe tomorrow.

I go brush my teeth and head back to my bedroom. When I lie down, I stare at the ceiling for hours. I can't sleep at all with my mind boggling.

I make a mental list of all the questions I want to ask Anwir:

-What was my dad's job idea?
-What was his job?
-Why hasn't he ever told me about Anwir?
-What else hasn't he told me?
-Why are Anwir's clothes so fancy?
-Where does that button in my dad's coat pocket come from?
-Does mum know about any of this?
-Does Anwir know who killed my dad?
-Was Anwir specifically looking for me or was it just a coincidence?

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