part 7: new home

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Callie's POV:

Anwir's car is very nice. I've never been very good when it comes to naming cars but I know for sure that this would be worth a lot.

We've been driving for about an hour now and we have barely said a word to each other. I've been looking out the window but I'm not exactly sure where we are.

I'm trying to not look nervous but deep down I'm panicking. Have I made the right choice? This is all so bizarre, I can't even believe how many things have changed in the space of a month. This is not how I pictured life would be going right now and I don't know whether that's a good thing or not.

The car begins to slow down as we near a building. Maybe 'building' wasn't the right word for what I was looking at. It would have once been a building but it looks very neglected and doesn't look like the most stable structure anymore. From what I can see, I'm guessing it was once an office building but now it looks very abandoned.

Anwir drives into the bottom area of the building and parks his car on a marked out circle. When the car stops, we unfasten our seatbelts and get out. I have a look around at my surroundings to see what this spy agency looks like. I don't like to criticise things too much but this place looks like a piece of shit.

All I can say is that I don't understand how this "big operation" is meant to be here. And where the hell is everyone?

"Uh, Anwir are you sure this is where we're meant to be?" I ask, trying my best not to sound as though I'm offending him.

"Yes, I think I know where my own operation is." He says humorously and makes his way over to a double door. I follow behind him as he opens the doors. When the doors slide open, I realise that it is an elevator. I hope we aren't going up because the top of the building looks like it would collapse if someone stood on it.

There are 20 floors on the buttons but Anwir doesn't press any of them. Instead he slides open a very small panel below which reveals a small screen. Just as I'm about to ask what it is he scans one of the rings on his finger which makes the panel slam shut.

"Anwir what was tha-" I'm cut off mid sentence by my own surprise. I see his car that was parked on the circle sink down into the floor. Once the car has disappeared from sight, the floor closes back over. Then the doors to the elevator close over and we start to move.

I'm even more got off guard by the direction we are headed. We aren't going up and we aren't going down. We're moving backwards.

I hold on tight to the railing in the lift and look to Anwir. He is calm and doesn't seem alarmed in the slightest, probably because he's done this a million times I'm sure.

The elevator then starts to go down and after a couple of minutes it finally reaches its destination. The doors slide open to reveal a very bright area. I see what looks similar to a lobby to a fancy hotel. The walls and floors are a very pristine marble. There's many water features like a massive water wall and two small fountains beside a large circular desk in the middle.

My jaw is on the floor. This place is so beautiful. It's busy too. There's many people walking around and there is a couple of people at the desk. Anwir keeps walking and goes past the desk.

"Hello Mr Jones" one of the women at the desk says. Anwir nods at her and continues to make his way down a large corridor. I haven't been able to speak a word because I'm so confused and amazed by everything my eyes are seeing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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