part 5: life changes

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Callie's POV:

I've very rarely had experiences where my whole body stops being able to function properly. However, I've had two of these experiences in the past two weeks and it's getting too overwhelming. I've never been great at showing my emotions well so in these situations my body always gives up. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or run away at times like this.

Anwir's face is stone-cold serious and I'm a little scared to open my mouth.

I go to speak but before I can get a word out I hear laughter. It's my laughter. My whole body erupts into a laughing mess and I can't stop.

"Why do you laugh child?" Anwir's puzzled face questions.

"Because, you seriously expect me to believe that you and my father are leaders of some "spy agency". No, I'm sorry but no, I don't believe you- it's too ridiculous." I say after I contain my laughter. I feel kind of bad that I laughed in this man's face but seriously, I think he might be a little mad.

"If I was just planning on lying to you, why did I wait this long to do so?" He asks me, making my doubts feel stupid.

"Well, can you blame me? I mean I've just met you and I'm supposed to trust everything that leaves your mouth?" I want to believe his story but my dad and spy agencies just don't make sense together.

"Let me explain, child. Your father had an idea to protect others while still making money. He decided that we should start a secret spy agency in order to take down corrupt businesses who made their fortunes off of hurting innocent lives. We would take their money that they didn't deserve and give it to people more worthy of it, whilst keeping a modest amount for us." Anwir explains, taking the gun from my hands and placing it back inside his coat.

"So you stole from rich pricks and gave the money to poorer people. Very "Robin Hood' of you." I say. He laughs at my reference and shakes his head as though this is all very amusing to him that I'm not taking this seriously. I'm starting to believe what he's saying but I still can't help feeling like this is all a wind up.

"It worked though. We made great amounts of money and protected people whilst doing so. Later we began to recruit more spies using people who didn't have anywhere to go. The operation grew larger and larger and soon, we had more power than any man could dream of."

"Or woman." I input.

"Right, we had more power than any man or woman could dream of." He corrects himself, "Your father's life has always been a target since the operation began. Mine and Charles' included. That's why your father told me his wishes in the event that he died."

I cringe when he speaks of my dad. I really haven't gotten used to talking about his death yet.

"What were his wishes?" I ask him.

"Well, he wanted you to join the operation by the time you were at least 18" he tells me.

"What? Surely he would have mentioned it to me. He wasn't just planning on dumping all this information on me and then send me to work in the operation, was he?" I ask him. My head is spinning right now. Whenever I think I've been told all the information I need to know, more just keeps flooding in, "and why did my father never give his money to us? To his own family? We've struggled since I can remember and you're telling me that you all have a huge amount of money."

"The three of us agreed that a big some of our money would go into the operation. The money we had left over was for us to decide where and how we used it. I'm sorry, Callie but I don't know why your father never used the money on your family. Perhaps he didn't want questions to be asked about the job, it is the most vital promise we make in the agency. We can never tell anyone outside the operation about what we do." He explains to me.

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