part 6: decisions

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Callie's POV:

Getting sleep last night was near to impossible.

I don't remember the exact time it was that I got to sleep at, but I do know that the sky was starting to get bright.

Surprisingly, my mum hasn't woken me up. Usually when she gets home, she makes a lot of noise which leaves me no choice but to get up. I didn't hear her come home last night so she must still be out.

I roll over on my bed to check the time. The clock reads 12.03. Shit.

It's already after midday and I still have to think about my decision. Do I say yes?

I get out of bed and go over to my dresser to change into something comfy seen as I don't plan on working today. I throw on a hoodie and put on some plain joggers. I go to look in the mirror. My hair is a frizzy mess and my face looks drained of energy. I'm so jealous of girls who don't have the problem of having to tame their hair every morning.

I head downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee in hopes to wake myself up more.

When I look in the cupboard I can't find any coffee capsules. I look in all the drawers and cupboards for them but I don't see them anywhere. Mum moves them a lot because she never puts anything back where she find it. It makes looking for things extremely fun.

The only cupboard I haven't checked is the alcohol cupboard. In other words known as the "if you touch this cupboard Callie you will be sorry" cupboard.

For God's sake, all I want is a coffee she won't care if I have a look. I open the door of the cupboard and look inside. I scan over the many bottles of alcohol until I spot the coffee capsules at the back. I swear this women just does it to piss me off.

I reach to the back to grab the capsules but as I do something goes horribly wrong.

My arm knocks the front bottles and before my brain can process what I've just done, I hear the loud noises of the bottles smashing to the floor.

No no no no no.

Fuck, what do I do? I reach down to the floor and try to pick up the shattered pieces of glass. I scoop as much as I can into the bin and as I do I cut my palm on one of the shards.

I wince from the sudden pain rushing through my hand. It's a deep wound. This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

I proceed to clean up my mess despite the pain and grab some kitchen roll to soak up all the liquid on the floor.

The front door suddenly opens and I hear footsteps approaching the kitchen. Well, I'm fucked. I hear the footsteps abruptly stop at the door to the kitchen and when I look up I see my mother with her mouth wide open.


"I'm sorry... I am so sorry it was an accident. I'll clean it all up, I'll pay for it all I'm sorry." I ramble out apologies in hopes to ease the situation.

She just stands shaking her head in rage. "Stand up" she says, barely a whisper that I wasn't too sure I heard her.

"Stand up!" She says a lot louder that it causes my body to flinch. I get up quickly and wait for whatever punishment is coming my way.

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