-Chapter Two-

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"I was running far away, would I run off the world someday?"

song: Runaway -Aurora

"Right now, everything is new to me"

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"Right now, everything is new to me"

Who even was this guy and why did he know my name?

I have never seen him in my life.

A poor young adult doesn't usually cross paths with someone who looks as luxurious as this man in front of me .

He looked like he lived in Gucci and I looked... well i looked like i lived exactly here, in a trashed car in the middle of a dark alleyway.

And what did he mean? I was 'a hard person to find'?

He asked me to come with him and things would be explained on the way

Go with him though?


Was he about to take me to a big white van and kill me?

I probably watch too many crime shows.

He was one of three people who knew my full name

and the other two were dead so i felt like he was important somehow.

I didn't think things could get much worse than my current situation so I obliged.

If he did try to kidnap me I could maybe escape and get money or something.

He assured me I would not be leaving my things behind permanently and I had no idea what that even meant.

I got into the boujee polished black range rover that smelled like fresh leather and buckled in.

The seating was weird in a way where my chair was facing another row of seats.

Across from me sat a woman looking down at some papers.

She matched the man's attire

Fancy, she looked like she was someone important and her posture basically confirmed it.

My mom always told me you gotta fake it until you make it, look like you know what you're doing until you actually succeed. But something about this woman made me think she wasn't faking it.

I crossed my arms to try and hide the stain but it was also on my pants.

Good thing they were black so it wasn't as prominent.

No one had said anything in the five minutes we were driving so I took that time to look around.

Everything in the car was so fresh and clean

I was so out of place with my stained clothes and just my being in general.

My hair was messy and I badly needed a shower.

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