-Chapter Four-

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"We'll never be royals"

Song: Royals -Lorde

Song: Royals -Lorde

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"To the dreamers"

I didn't sleep all too well last night because too many thoughts were filling my brain.

The bed I slept in was like a big marshmallow.

I think I finally fell asleep somewhere around four AM and i was awakened by the a bright light suddenly hitting my face.

My eyes peel open and come into focus and i see Emma there opening up the curtain.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty we have a lot of work to do" she says and i roll over looking at the clock

"At seven AM?" i ask groaning

Rich people confused me.

"Busy busy day now that you're one of the richest people in the country" she says


How could i forget?

"At eight thirty i have a team of stylists coming in to help with your appearance" she says walking over to me

"What's wrong with how I look?" i ask and she chuckles as if i just told her a joke

"Blake, for now we are trying to keep this news under wraps but it won't be long before your story gets out to the public. Once that happens there will be questions and paparazzi, now if we don't clean you up a bit they're going to give you an image that you might not like" she says and i think i understood what she was getting at

Give yourself an image you want before others can do it for you.

"Right so get up and get ready, breakfast will be served in ten minutes and i advise you not to be late" she says and walks out

I finally lug myself out of bed and into the bathroom where new products have been placed on the counter

A toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush. All of the essentials.

Hopefully these are mine.

I brush my teeth and pull my hair into a ponytail. Finally i put a long sleeve shirt on leaving the buttons undone and walk out

It took me a few wrong turns to finally make my way to where i heard conversation.

I walked down the hall and took a left to what i assumed to be the dining room.

Everyone stopped when i walked in and stared at me.

"Right, come sit down" Emma says and gestures toward an empty seat in between James and Asher

Once i sat down the conversations began again

"How did you sleep?" Asher asked

"Alright... it's always hard for me to get comfortable in a new place" i say and he nods

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