Chapter 8

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Jisoo's POV

Irene and I are currently at the balcony of my room. It's been a while since we last talked given that she was busy dealing with those criminals. She told me a more detailed story of what happened, specially when she framed me.

"There is one more thing that puzzles me actually," I remarked. "Why did you take my car? It wasn't on the evidence list."

"I needed a ride," she shrugged, making me scoff as I shook my head in disagreement. You don't just take one's car because you forgot yours. That's uncalled for.

"But seriously, I actually thought I was going to be a part of them. The thought of it still disgusts me," she said, shaking in disgust. We both laughed under the moon light, taking a while to appreciate this moment with a deep breath.

"You seem to be having a huge progress with Jennie," Irene said, breaking the silence.

"I hope so," I replied, chuckling at the thought.

"You should step up your game, Jis. Before someone beats you to it again."


The next day, everything was back to normal. We went to school, attended classes and ate in the cafeteria. After all our classes are over, we went to the usual café to hang out. Jennie and Chaeng went inside first to place our orders while Lisa and I looked for a parking space.

Chaeng's POV

"I noticed your change of behavior lately," I spoke as we waited on our usual spot for the other two.

"What behavior?" Jennie asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Your behavior towards Jisoo. Did you finally develop your feelings for her?" She kept silent for a while, looking uneasy for some reason.

"I don't know, Chaeng," she said weakly as looked down. "You witnessed how my relationship with Hana quickly went down south. I don't.. I don't want that to happen with Chu. I can't lose her like that, anyone but not her."

"You actually think keeping her as a friend will make her stay with you forever?" I asked rhetorically, making her look up to me with a 'what-does-that-mean' look. "She's a beautiful lady with a charming personality, Jen. Everyone is lining up for her and soon, someone will eventually take her away from you if you don't place a fence around her."

Just in time to prove my point, Lisa and Jisoo walked in the café with another girl chuckling beside Jisoo. Jisoo seemed to crack a joke, making the girl laugh seductively. I looked at Jennie and she was about to snap but thankfully, Lisa interrupted the two before their conversation gets any deeper. We couldn't hear what they were saying but it seemed like they were saying goodbye. Everything was supposed to be fine but the girl just had to kiss Jisoo's cheek, making the other jelly girl in front of me storm out off her seat. Oh no.

Jennie furiously walked towards them with wide steps as I immediately rushed to catch up. She then grabbed Jisoo's arm, forcefully pulling her behind as she mightily faced the girl with her highly intimidating eyes.

"Who do you think you are?!" The girl hissed with upset tone which only made Jennie's blood boil. The tension between them sent chills to the whole room but thankfully, Jisoo was there to break it.

"Sorry about that, she's my girlfriend," Jisoo said, wrapping her arms around Jennie's waist, immediately calming her down. The girl just looked at her with disappointment as she scoffed, biddng farewell, never to be seen again.

"Have you guys ordered already?" Jisoo asked as if nothing happened as she took her hands off Jennie's waist while the latter was still blushing madly.

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