08 and Announcement

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"That was great, guys!" Madison praises as we get into the car.

"Yeah, it was. Great turnout." I reply.

"Too bad you and Matt were almost late," Janae says, her voice dripping in sarcasm as usual.

"Yeah, where did you two go?" asks Madi.

"We got locked in a  janitors closet." Matt replies, looking at me. He gives me a sad smile, and looks over at Cameron, who's Vining. I pull out my phone, and get on my camera.

"Hey, guys, we just got out of Magcon, and I think we're going to the mall...?" I look over at Carter, who's giving the driver directions. He turns to me and nods his head.  "The mall! Yass, bitch..."

"So, I just got confirmation that we are, I repeat, are going to the mall. Hashtag, yes please." Madison says. Carter moves beside her, and puts an arm around her, and says some stuff to the camera.

"Aye, Rose!" Cam yells. I look over at him, and point the phone at him.  "Collab with me later?"

"If I have to,"  I say, winking. He smiles, and lets out a "great" and starts talking to Nash.

"WE'RE HERE. LET'S GO, BITCHES," Taylor screams and jumps out of the car, running to the mall. We all laugh at him, and run after him. I'm still recording, but I don't think we're allowed to record in the mall, so I stop. I look over to Janae, who's still recording.

"Oooohhh, Nae's breaking the ruuuulesss!" I say, loudly. Janae flips me off, and keeps walking, Nash right behind her.

"You're never gonna meet Bren if you keep this 'rule breaking' phase up," I say. Janae looks at me like I said the weirdest thing imaginable.

"Um, if I could see Bren-freaking-Lunn, I'd do anything possible. Screw jail, I'll come up with a multi-part plan. I don't care how, but I am meeting Bren Lunn." She pauses for a second, and looks back at Aaron.  "Right, Carpenter?"

"Right-o, Nae." Aaron laughs, slinging a shoulder over Janae. I look over to Nash, who looks neutral, but I could tell he was a little bit jealous. It was in his eyes, while he walked behind Aaron and Janae.

I look down, and realize something:  "Guys, we all have on Vans."

Everyone looks down, and starts talking about it. Most of us had on red and white; except Janae who wore black and white.

"Janae, you effing emo," Taylor says. Janae just laughs. I knew later on she'd give everyone the reasons why the term "emo" is no longer a valuable term.

"Whatever," she says. I look over at Carter, who still had an arm over Madison. She kept laughing at him, and he actually looked flustered.

Right before I looked back, I run into something tall.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I say, looking up at the face.

Oh my lord.

He was cute. He had brown hair, and blue eyes. While that seems boring, I saw it as absolutely adorable. If I was in fangirl mode, which I kind of am, I'd be 'asdfghjkl'ing the shit out of that boy.

"It's fine. I'd never care to be rammed over by a pretty girl," he says, smiling. His cheekbones...jawline...ugh.

"I'd hardly call it  'ramming over.'" I say, crossing my arms.  "'Pushing very hard', maybe..."

He laughs.  "Hey...I  know you! Rose, right?"

I sigh.  "I was really hoping you didn't know..."

Going Places//Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now