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Clarke awoke to a bright light shining in her face. She scrunched up her face and attempted to move her arm in front of her face to block out the offending light. She sooner realized she couldn't move her arm and started to panic slightly. She then realized she couldn't move any part of her body. Her legs and arms were strapped by leather straps, another running across her stomach, holding her in place. Clarke found out she could move her head slightly and took in her surroundings. Her stomach dropped as she did.

All around her were grey cement walls. On the far side of the room stood a few cages stacked on top of one another. The room was mostly empty except for the cages, the table Clarke was strapped onto, and a tool bench just a few feet away from where Clarke laid. She swallowed as her gaze landed on the tools. There was scalpels, scissor, knives, syringes...and two drills.

"Oh god...." Clarke breathed, panic started to set in, but Clarke fought it off, trying to remember how she got there.



Clarke sighed to herself as she walked through the forest floor. It had been a little over four days since the battle of Mt. Weather and the past couple of days have been exhausting. The Sky People and Grounders had won the battle. They took over Mt. Weather, killing the guilty and sparring the innocent. They saved their people; the 44 and the caged Grounders. The prisoners from Mt. Weather had been taken back to the Grounder's camp and were being nourished back to health. It would take them a whole, some of the grounders had been under the cruelty of the Mountain Men for far too long.

Clarke breathed in the fresh air of the forest, finally being alone. She had not been able to escape her guard that Lexa had assigned to her weeks ago, until now. Although she didn't mind the company of her friends and family, she just needed a break from everyone. She smiled to herself as she thought about her friends; Monty, Jasper, Bellamy... She was so happy that they had made it out alive.

~ Bellamy had scooped her up and spun her, right before kissing her. It had been such a surprise that she hadn't reacted for a moment, but then she remembered that Lexa was standing not five feet away. By the time Clarke had pushed Bellamy off, Lexa was already gone. Clarke had told Bellamy that she didn't return his feelings, in which he just smiled and told her he understood. Then said in a low voice, in which only she could hear,

"Go get your girl." Clarke had looked at him in shock before smiling and nodding. She took off after Lexa.

It wasn't that hard to find her, much to Clarke's surprise. Usually if the Commander didn't want to be found then you wouldn't find her. Clarke found her leaning up against a tree, her back towards her.

"You shouldn't leave your back unguarded like that," Clarke said as she walked up to her slowly, "you could be attacked from behind easily." Lexa didn't say anything, just kept her back turned. Clarke stood beside her, looking out into the forest. They stood like that for a few minutes, silently, before Clarke spoke once more. "I pushed him away." She told Lexa, not looking at her. "I told him I didn't return his feelings." Lexa turned her head towards Clarke, finally, with a small confused expression.

"I had thought.." Lexa trailed off, not wanting to voice her thoughts.

"No.." Clarke shook her head lightly, smiling slightly. "Many people thought we should get together but...he's more like my brother honestly." She shrugged. "Besides....there's someone else I'd rather be with.." She whispered the last part so softly, Lexa almost didn't hear it.

"And who would that be?" Lexa said almost hoarsely, trying to keep her emotions in check. She felt her chest start to hurt a little, preparing herself for the pain that would come if the Sky Princess spoke of another.

"Well...She's a bit taller than me, a total badass, loves her dagger, amazing fighter, a great leader, beautiful too..." Clarke told her, still looking out into the forest. Lexa searched Clarke's face, trying to stop the smile that threatened to overtake her face.

"Do I know this girl?" She asked, only then did Clarke turn towards her, the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Oh you should know her quite well Commander." Clarke replied, stepping closer.

"Should I be worried about the competition?" Lexa asked as she too stepped closer, until they were just inches apart.

"There's not much competition." Clarke's eyes darted to Lexa's lips, they were so close. Lexa stayed still for a moment, wanting to make sure Clarke actually wanted it. Clarke got impatient after another moment and surged upwards, standing on her tippy toes to kiss the slightly taller woman. Lexa kissed back. They kissed like it would be their last, desperately yet lovingly. They finally broke off when they ran out of air. Clarke wore a shy grin, Lexa held a small smile.

"Thank you...for waiting.." Clarke said softly. Lexa gave her a soft smile.

"I would have waited forever for you." She replied, before bringing her lips back to the blonde's.~

End Flashback:


Clarke had been so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't she or hear the man until her grabbed her from behind, sticking a syringe in her neck.



Lexa was in her tent sharpening her blade when Octavia walked in. The young soon to be grounder stood in silence, waitng for permission to speak.

"You may speak." Lexa granted her permission. Octavia nodded before speaking.

"Heda, have you seen Clarke?" She asked, knowing if anyone knew where the Sky Leader was in would be Lexa. Everyone knew by now that those two were together. Lexa frowned.

"What do you mean? Has she not returned?" Lexa asked as she stood up, worry shown on her face.

"No, she left this morning for a walk, but it's already afternoon and he's not back." Octavia replied.

"Her guard?" Lexa questioned.

"She managed to slip by him." Lexa swore in trigedasleng before grabbing her gear and putting it on. Of course Clarke would leave camp without letting anyone know. Of course Clarke would leave camp without a guard. If anything happened to her...Lexa was brought out of her thoughts by a hand on her shoulder.

"We'll find her." She told the Commander. Lexa could only nod, she didn't trust her voice at the moment.

"Get Lincoln, Indra, and a few others. We need to search the forest first." Lexa ordered, Octavia nodded.

"Yes Heda." And with that the younger girl left the tent, leaving Lexa with a few moments to herself. Lexa looked up at her tent's ceiling, hoping her belove was alright.




Author's notes:

Hope everyone enjoys this fic.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Please don't hesitate to ask or whatnot, critic-tions are welcomed!

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