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“How can one lose Clarke?!” Demanded a very angry Commander as she glared at the other beings in the small room. Abby, Kane, Bellamy, and Raven were all present in a tent near Camp Jaha.

“Commander,” Abby sighed as she looked at the young woman, “Yelling at us isn’t going to find my daughter any faster. I want her back just as much as anyone else in this room.” Abby stated as she glanced at the others. Her heart went out to the young leader; she had seen how much Lexa cared for her daughter and hoped they would find her soon for Lexa’s sake.

“Abby’s right.” Kane spoke just as Lexa’s mouth opened to snap at the Chancellor. He didn’t want a fight to break out right now, they needed to find Clarke. “We need to think of where she would have gone or whom may have taken her.”

“Well she did love taking nature hikes.” Bellamy said and crossed his arms. “She would go to the stream from time to time.” Lexa couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the boy.

“I’ve already had my warriors search the land, but there isn’t any sign of her.” Lexa said, sounding slightly defeated.

“Well excuse me Commander grumpy pants.” Bellamy muttered, thankfully no one else seemed to have heard it. Raven sat in a chair a few feet away, deep in thought. Although she was still upset at Clarke for killing Finn, Clarke was still one of her best friends and she was deeply worried for her friend’s safety. She glanced up at the rest of the group, rolling her eyes as Lexa and Abby started to have yet another verbal brawl. She glanced around the room, trying to get an idea, anything. Her eyes stopped on Bellamy’s walkie talkie that was hooked onto his belt.

“That’s it!” Raven said jumping up, startling most of the group.

“What’s what?” Lexa demanded. Raven walked over to them, with a slight limp due to her leg.

“Bell, give me your walkie talkie.” Raven said, holding her hand out. Bellamy looked a bit confused, until it clicked in his head.

“Clarke’s walkie talkie!” He said with a grin, handing it over to Raven. Clarke almost never left home without one just in case. Raven grinned right back at him.

“Let’s hope this wasn’t one of the times she left it at camp.” Raven said, the others took a step closer to the mechanic as she began to speak. “Clarke? Clarke do you copy?” The only sound they go was static.




Clarke has struggled against her bonds for what seemed like hours until she finally gave up. She wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. She sighed and stared up as the gray ceiling. It wasn’t long before the clang of a door sounded behind her. She tried to move her head to see, but her head would only move so far.

“I see our prisoner’s finally awake.” Clarke froze at the sound of that voice.

“No…” She whispered. The man stepped into her view, wearing a sick grin.

“Thought you had gotten rid of me, didn’t you Clarke?” Cage said with a chuckle. The man that everyone had thought was dead, should be dead, stood not a foot away from her.

“You….you shouldn’t..” Clarke tried to wrap her head around it all.

“Shouldn’t what? Be alive? I almost wasn’t.” He said and took a step closer, leaning over her to look her in the face. “Your commander did shoot me several times.” He admitted. “But luckily i had a bullet proof vest. Well lucky for me that is, not necessarily for you.” He chuckled darkly. “I really only got shot in my arm and leg, which were easily fixed.” He straightened up, then motioned for two other men to come in. Each man wore a set of gloves and protective gear, almost like they were going to preform surgery. Clarke widened her eyes at the men, fear creeping up her spine.

“You took it all away Clarke.” Cage said as he started to walk around the room. “Every last of your people had escaped and you killed off most of my men. Sadly only a small handful survived and we will have to relocate to a more safe place, but luckily there are only a few that still need the bone marrow treatment.” He stopped and grinned down at her. “And lucky for them we have a ‘willing’ patient.” Clarke started to struggle more against her bonds, trying desperately to escape. “Oh don’t even bother Clarke. You’re retrained enough, besides, how do you fathom the possibility of escape against 10 armed guards?” He said, giving her a smug look.

“Lexa and the rest of them will come after me!” She spat at him. “And when they do Lexa will make sure you never see the light of day this time.”

“Ah yes, you’re little girlfriend.” Cage tsked and shook his head. “I wonder if she’s found out you’re gone yet? Is she searching for you at this very moment? Worrying out of her mind?” Just then a walkie talkie, that was attached to Cage’s belt, crackled to life.

“Clarke? Clarke do you copy?”

Cage grinned and picked it.




“Well, well. well. What do we have here?”

The whole room froze as they heard a voice on the other end of the walkie talkie; a voice that was not Clarke’s.

“C-Cage..” Raven asked into the walkie talkie after a few moments of silence.

“Very observant of you Raven.” Came the sick voice.

“How is this possible?” Lexa asked as she stepped closer to Raven, taking the walkie talkie. “I killed you.” Lexa growled out.

“Maybe next time you should make sure you’re victims are dead before assuming they are, Commander.” Cage replied, they could practically hear his grin.

“Where the hell is my daughter.” Abby demanded.

“Oh don’t worry, at least not for a few moments.” Cage told them, making them all tense at his last words. “She’s right here with me.” There was a small clang, then a hushed whisper. “Would you like to say ‘hi’ to all your mother, Clarke?”

“M-mom?” They heard Clarke after a moment, but she sounded scared. “I-is Lexa there..?” Lexa pressed the walkie talkie closer to her.

“I’m right here Clarke.” Lexa tried to sound reassuring, but her voice wavered slightly. She could hear how scared her beloved was, and it pained her heart. She wanted to rush over and rip that monster’s heart out. She vowed Cage would pay for thinking he could take Clarke and get away from it.

“Now, now, let’s not get too sappy.” They heard Cage again.

“Cage, I swear by all the gods if you touch her!”  Lexa growled, gripping the walkie talkie a bit tighter.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of touching your girl, Commander.” He replied. They could hear a drill start up in the back ground. “Now my boys…. I’m not so sure.” There was a long, tense silence.

Then they heard Clarke’s screams.


Author's Notes:

Another chapter done! Questions, comments, concerns? You know where to put them!

Book 1: Under The MountainWhere stories live. Discover now