Four Hours (conclusion)

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AUTHOR”S NOTES: Ok guys, sorry for not updating in the last week or so. Some things came up; my aunt died and I went to spend some time with my cousins and stuff. I apologise for not updating. This is it tough guys; the very last chapter! I was going to make this two parts, but was like “Eh what the hell.” And make it into one big epic finally! I will warn you now that this chapter has major violence, sexual themes and stuff. So, sorry if you don’t like that :P

“Your first hour starts now Commander.”



1st Hour:


Clarke spat out of her mouth that poured from her already broken nose. They had beaten her broken body even more. What was once bruised ribs were more than likely broken now. It was getting harder to breathe because of that. Her vision was hazy; the pain was a dull ache through. She didn’t scream, just like the last beating.

“You know it’s never any fun when they don’t scream.” Cage stated as he looked at her; his hand on his chin. She was being held up by two guards, as she was barely able to stand on her own two feet. Before Clarke could process what he said; the guards threw her on the ground. “Why don’t we change that?” Cage said and walked over to her. Just as Clarke managed to support herself on her elbows; she felt and heard a large crack in her right leg. She screamed out in pain. Cage had stomped on her leg, breaking it. Clarke curled up on herself, tears stung her eyes. She willed them to not fall; she didn’t want Cage to see her break, she wouldn't allow it.

“Much, much better.” Cage grinned. His watched beeped. “Looks like you’re first hour is almost up.” He said with a sick grin. “Let’s check up on the Commander, shall we?”



“Keep searching!” Lexa hissed as she looked at the group in front of her. It had been nearly an hour since they had last spoken to Cage; they now had a little over three hours to find Clarke.

“With all due respect Commander, we’ve looked through this mountain twice already, every square inch.” Bellamy said to her, hoisting his gun over his shoulder. “Even if we look through it again I doubt we’ll find her.” He stated what was on everyone’s mind. Lexa clenched her jaw. She knew he was right, but she didn’t know where else Cage could be other than in the mountain.

“Commander? You there?” Cage’s voice sounded over the walkie talkie. Lexa picked it up, knowing the first hour was already up.

“What is it?” She said, fighting to keep her voice steady.

“Your first hour is up.” Cage stated. Lexa rolled her eyes.

“I am fully aware of that.” She growled out.

“Just checking.” They heard him chuckle.

“What did you do to Clarke?” Lexa demanded.

“Straight forward are we?” They could practically hear his grin. “Let’s just say the Sky Princess won’t be able to walk for a bit.” Octavia gasped lightly, eyes wide.

“What do you mean?” Lexa snarled, her hand lightly shaking with rage.

“Do you really wish to know?” He asked, toying with them.

“Dammit Cage, what the hell did you do to her?” This time it was Bellamy who snapped at him.

“I broke her leg.” Cage stated. “I was really tempted to break her other one, but I decided to show some bit of mercy.”

Book 1: Under The MountainWhere stories live. Discover now