We Will

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Clarke stifled a whimper as Cage lifted the blade from her skin one last time. She now held multiple cuts, all various sizes, all over her body. There wasn’t an inch of skin left untainted by her own blood. Her vision was hazy as she looked at Cage who loomed over her. She felt weak; weaker than she’s ever felt before.

“I think that’s enough for now.” He said lazily as he cleaned his hands from Clarke’s blood. “Chain her back up.” He ordered his guards. They lifted her from the table after unstrapping her, then carried her over to the wall with the chains. Clarke didn’t fight them as they chained her back up, all she wanted was to sleep. Cage walked over to her weak body, slumped on the floor, and kneeled down. He brought the walkie talkie to his mouth.

“I’ll have you know Commander, you know how to choose them.” He said, eyes gleaming. It was the last thing Clarke heard and saw before passing out.




They walked even faster now. After the conversation with Cage, Lexa was even more determined to get to Mount Weather. Lexa mentally growled, she would find him and she would kill him. Cage’s voice rang in her head over and over, “......” She was grateful for being up ahead of everyone as tears stung her eyes. She didn’t want to think of how Clarke felt; scared and alone. Her mind wandered to her first love… Costia. She remembered when the Ice Nation took her. How she was too late to save her. Lexa shook her head. No, she would not be too late. She will not lose Clarke like she did Costia. Clarke was stronger than she looked.

“I’ll have you know Commander,” Lexa was brought out of her thoughts by the monster’s voice, “You know how to choose them.” Then all was heard was radio silence. Lexa gripped her sword even tighter. She wanted to scream to the heavens, plead to them to help her love, but she couldn’t. Not in front of her tribemates. So she continued to lead them to the mountain, thinking of all the ways she would skin him.



They reached the mountain in the early hours of the morning. Bellamy helped Raven off from on top of the horse and they made their way over to the Commander. Octavia, Lincoln, and Indra came a few moments later.

“Lexa, we should rest before barging in.” He said quietly to her. Lexa turned to him, filling him with a glare and opened her mouth to speak but he put up a hand as a ‘wait a moment’ gesture. “We’ve walked all night, no one has gotten any sleep.” He said, giving her  a pointed look. “As much as I wish to march right on in there and grab Clarke, we can’t if we arent rested well.” Lexa pursed her lips into a fine line, knowing he was right but wanted to get Clarke out as soon as possible.

“He’s right, Heda,” Indra spoke up then, Lexa looked at her with a raised eyebrow. In which Indra rolled her eyes. “As much I wish he was not. We can not rescue Clarke properly if we are not at full strength.” Indra watched her Heda look at the mountain before giving a slight nod. She knew how much her Heda cared for the young Skaikru and knew how hard it was for her to not barge into the mountain raining hell onto everyone in there.

“Fine, we shall rest for a few hours. But after that we find Clarke.” Lexa said, keeping her eyes forward. Indra turned and barked orders at the other grounders. They started setting up a few tents.

“I will go and scout the area, I shall be back soon.” She said to the rest of the group after watching the grounders for a few  moments. Lincoln and Octavia had left to help them out.

“I’m coming with you.” Bellamy stated, gun slung over his shoulder. Lexa nodded, not bothering to disagree.

“I’d offer to come with, but I’d only slow you down.” Raven said, a bit stiffly. She still hated the fact that she couldn’t keep up with everyone because of her leg. Lexa held some sympathy for the girl, but kept it hidden. Many warriors in her time had injuries like Raven’s due to constant fighting and war, but Raven was pulling through it just like her warriors.

“Let us go then.” Lexa said then starting walking off.

“We’ll be back soon.” He told Raven, giving her a small nod before following Lexa. They walked in silence for the first twenty minutes, taking in the scenery. They checked around the mountain; they had made camp about five miles away from the mountain’s main door. After they checked the area they started heading back. Lexa glanced at Bellamy, whose head was turned away from her.

“Bellamy,” She said, catching his attention. “May I ask you something?”

“Well you just did.” He said, giving her a small smirk. She rolled her eyes, fighting off a smile of amusement. “But yeah, go ahead I’m all ears.”

“It’s a bit, personal.” She said. When he shrugged and nodded, she continued. “The girl, Echo, that came from within the mountain with the other captured grounders.” She paused, watching for his reaction. He just stared ahead. “Do you have feelings for her? I’ve seen you two around each other often.”

“I-uh, maybe.” Bellamy stuttered.

“So you do?” Lexa let a small smirk on to her face as the boy stuttered slightly.

“Well I mean, she’s nice. She’s helped me a lot.” He said, thinking back to the grounder. He admitted awhile back to having feelings for her, he just didn’t know if she returned them.

“She told me that you promised to get her out of the mountain.” Lexa commented.

“Yeah...She was the first grounder I saw when I woke in a cage. After I managed to take out the guard, I promised I would free her.” He shrugged lightly. He remembered waking up and seeing grounders in cages all around him, but what stood out was the beautiful girl in the cage beside him. She had watching him carefully, knowing he wasn’t a grounder like the rest of them.

“I believe she’s taken a liking to you.” Lexa said, bringing the boy out of his thoughts.

“..how do you know?” He asked.

“She asks about you from time to time.” She replied. “Plus, I don’t see her hovering around you more than the others.” In truth Echo had asked to help out more where Bellamy would be. Bellamy shook his head slightly, smirking. Lexa raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking what is was.

“Never knew the Commander was a gossiper.” He stated simply. Lexa let out a small smirk.

“Only sometimes. I wish for Echo to be happy is all.” She replied.

“I know.” Bellamy said quietly, a soft smile on his face. Lexa smiled at him before looking up ahead, they were getting close to camp. When they arrived Bellamy put his hand on Lexa’s shoulder, squeezing it gently.

“We’ll get her back.” He said, hoping to ease her mind if only a little. Lexa nodded to him and watched him walk to his tent that Octavia had set up.

“Of course we will.” Lexa murmured to herself as she glanced back at the mountain. “No one hurt my love without suffering.”




Author’s notes:

So not much of Clarke in this chapter, oh well  more of her in the next. I added a bit of Becho because honestly, I adore that ship so much :) they are so cute. And FYI, I’m typing this one handed cause my kitten decided now was the time to curl in my arms. And it’s 5am here so, excuse any grammar mistakes xD

Book 1: Under The MountainWhere stories live. Discover now