Chipped, but Not Broken

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“We need to find where he’s hiding her and we need to do it now!” Lexa practically shouted. She tried to hide the franticness in her voice, but after hearing Clarke’s screams for the past twenty minutes before Cage and shut off the walkie talkie on his end, she was starting to unravel. Her love was getting her bone marrow sliced and drilled out of her and there was nothing she could do until they found where Cage was.

“We checked the forest multiple times.” Kane said, he too looked worried.

“Has anyone checked the mountain?” Abby asked.

“I sent a group of my warriors already, but I wish to go up there as well.” Lexa told the Chancellor. She wanted to find Cage and make him pay.

“It’s almost dark out, we can’t leave tonight.” Abby said slowly, watching Lexa from the corner of her eye.

“We can not wait till dawn!” Lexa snapped. “The more we wait, the more chance of Cage killing Clarke!”

“But we can’t leave now either, no one has had dinner nor any rest.” Abby pointed out. Lexa looked like she was going to argue, but took a deep breathe before nodding.

“Fine, we leave at dawn.” Abby and Kane took that as their sign to leave. Bellamy hesitated to leave, he wanted to storm up and find his best friend.

“Wait,” Lexa said quietly, looking at Bellamy then Raven. Raven had not gotten up yet, so she remained in her seat and listened. “I do not agree with your Chancellor decision.” Lexa stated simply.

“I don’t either, I want to go out there right now. Clarke would have gone without a second thought if it was one of us.” Bellamy replied angrily. Clarke was Abby’s daughter, yet she wants to wait till tomorrow while that monster does god knows what to her?

“I agree.” Lexa said, placing a hand on her sword’s hilt, a nervous and anxious habit. “That is why I’m leaving tonight. I am gathering Octavia, Lincoln, and a few other of my best fighters. I’m letting you know incase you wish to accompany us.” She informed them, already knowing their answers.

“Count us in.” Bellamy gave the commander a sly grin before looking at Raven.

“Clarke has saved our asses on more than one occasion, time to repay the favor.” Raven said, standing up. Lexa gave the both of them a nod.

“We leave in one hour then, I shall collect my warriors. Inform Lincoln and Octavia.” And with that Lexa left to prepare her warriors.




Clarke woke up aching all over. She looked around through blurry eyes and realized she was moved to one side of the room. She grimaced when the memories came back to her. She remembered the pain of the drill, screaming for what seemed like forever until she passed out from exhaustion and pain.

She looked down at her body and found her arms chained to the wall along with her feet and legs. She was also stripped of her original clothing, now she donned a bind-like wrap that covered her chest like a sports would. She also had a pair of small shorts on, the rest of her was bare. She shifted into a sitting position and immediately regretted it because pain shot up her lower body, mainly in her hips. She bit back a whimper of pain; both sides of her hips hurt like hell.

She could feel the dried blood on her legs and abdomen. She felt sick. She leaned up against the wall, trying to calm the quenching in her stomach. Her eyes started to tear up as she thought of her mother, her friends.. Lexa. Clarke tried to blink back the tears, but they flowed down her dirt stained cheeks. Her body shook with each shuddering breath as she tried to calm herself. She was scared. She was scared she would never make it out, make it home. Make it home to her family, to her love. She was scared she would never see their faces, hear their voices, feel the warmth of their hugs.




Cage smirked to himself as he watched the screen of the monitor. Just hours ago the great Sky Leader was determined to escape; now, she sat helpless and broken.

“This was just too easy.” He shook his head, grinning. If he’d had known this was all it would’ve taken to break her, he would have done it a long time ago.

“Sir,” Cage heard one of his generals behind him. “We only have two more that need the marrow. One more draining and we can just kill her off.” The general informed the President. Cage turned back to the monitor, stroking his head in throught.

“No, we won’t. Not yet at least.” He replied, not bothering to turn around. “She and her people killed hundreds of our people. Let’s make her suffer a little bit. Then we’ll kill her.” He stepped closer to the monitor and pressed a button on the side, connecting to a small microphone. “Don’t tell me the Princess has given up already.” He said into the microphone, enjoying the way Clarke jumped from the sudden intrusion of his voice.

Clarke stayed silent, rubbing her eyes as best as she could with them being chained down. She would not give him the satisfaction of answering. He watched her for a few more moments before shaking his head; she really was a stubborn one.

“I guess the Princess hasn’t broken quite yet.” He said into the microphone. “We’ll have to change that.”



Author’s notes:

This chapter was a bit shorter than I would’ve liked it, but next chapter will be longer. Plus, more torturing… :( Poor Clarke.

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