20k Special P.2

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I closed my notebook, it was during my free study time, in-between classes. I had been rereading my notes and rethinking the lesson over.

I noticed a group of girl that had put their desks together and were chatting. They looked over at me and I caught one of their eyes. My face flushed and I looked back down at my notebook before opening it again.

Were they making fun of me? Does my uniform have a hole? Do I look weird? I guess it is pretty weird that I'm wearing a males uniform. I scratched at the back of my neck, all of a sudden I seen a large shadow loom over my desk.

"Y/n-chan! Aren't you glad we're in the same class? Your uniform looks so good on you, don't you think so Taka-chan?" The small blonde guy said to me. I looked at him. If he was in my class, then that meant he was older than me. In fact he has the same aura my dad has. The tall raven haired man only nodded and looked out the window.

"You're Mitskuni Haninozuka, and this must be Takashi Morinuzuka," I looked up at them, since they were now standing in front of my desk.

"You're right! How do you know about us?" The blonde asked.

"My father is f/n y/l/n, and my mother is m/n m/l/n. They're fitness enthusiasts, they've visited your families dojos," I looked at the tall dark haired Takashi. It's weird to say that I only recognize hair colors of people. But, I hardly make eye contact for the reason of its intensity.

"Do you practice with them? Did you want to practice together?"


The blondes eyes filled with tears. My heart fell and I gulped.

"I don't want to hurt you guys. I..."

"He'll be fine," Takashi said with a hint of a bite to it.

"I didn't mean it that way," I say with a small glare.

"Do you really not want to practice with us?"

I don't know why I said no. They could definitely handle me and I do have a stopping point. The whole point of me going to school is so that I make friends. Being defensive like this won't lead to me making friends.

"Just once, to start," I say. A few moments later, the next teacher came into the classroom and classes continued as normal.


It had finally reached after school, I hoped no one had moved the guitar so I could just gather the tools and head to a hidden closet somewhere.

I entered the room and it was basically tea time. What club did they say this was again? Regardless, I continued looked to where I left the guitar and as half-expected, it was against the wall in the far back corner.

I couldn't possibly sneak in and get past the members of this club. But I can try.

I just walked right in, as if I knew the place and continued my way over to the electric guitar. I picked up the guitar case and the amp/cords needed. As I turned around, I seen that two pairs of eyes were on me. Kyoya and Mori.

My ears began to get a little red and I walked fast towards the exit.

Kyoya stopped me at the door, "school equipment is not allowed out of the designated classroom. If you would like to use the instrument, it must be in here."

I sighed and gave up, I could just play my acoustic guitar at home. "Sorry," I said and turned around to put them back into the closet I pulled them from.

"You may still use the instrument, though you much be a visiting guest to a host here. We pride our work very much and there is a guarantee that you will enjoy the company of our many hosts."

"I'm listening," I say quietly. My ears still tinged red, "I'll go put this away."


I sat down in front of my classmates, I am more comfortable with them after all. I watched Hani act like a child and Mori... well he acted like himself. Although I don't see the appeal of their act or whatever, it was quite amusing and interesting. Before I knew it, the Host Club was ending for the day. I had said nothing while watching them for 2 hours.


The next day, after school, I returned to the Host Club. I still didn't technically have any friends yet, and my parent had asked me if I had any yet. So for now, I will befriend the Host Club as best as possible.

"Welcome back, y/l/n, where do you plan on going today? Reminder, we will charge you a bill at the end of the month," Kyoya said to me. I nodded my head.

"Mori and Hani, Fujioka, Suoh" I say and began to walk over to Mori and Hani. Today the act was a little different and they were enjoying a cake with the ladies. It seemed rather extravagant to me, in fact it made me understand just how much money the club makes from having tea with girls.

"You're back y/n-chan! I was beginning to worry I wouldn't see you here after school, ain't that right Takashi? Y/n is so cute when blushing like that, right Takashi?" Hani said while eating his chocolate cake. His taller counterpart just said quiet agreements.

Did I just get... teased? I could feel my neck getting red, the tingles of heat made my skin feel like someone left an ice cube on it for too long.

Hani offered me some cake. "You want to eat with me and Usa-chan, all these other ladies said that I should eat more cake. I have my limits, even for my favorite thing in the world, well besides the ladies of course," he scooped some frosting up and it missed his mouth, splitting on my shoulder.

Mori pulled out a handkerchief and came over to me, he wiped the chocolate from my blazer and just a hint from my jaw. As his other hand gently held my head to the side, I could feel my heart throb. His hand was at the right place to check my pulse, I wondered if he could feel it.

I gulped and made the mistake of looking him in the eyes.

It was like time stopped as we held the eye contact. The sounds of the room were suddenly silenced by my heartbeat. His hand was still beneath my jaw, I quickly looked to the side of the couch to see the blonde guy Tamaki Suoh staring at us.

"Ive decided it, you must become a host! Who are you?" He asked me, flamboyant like.

"Y/n y/l/n," a dash of panic went across his face but he merely became even more loud.

"Why don't you come sit with me for a while? I hear you did sign up for me today after all."

Why do I feel excited to become a member of this club? Aren't they all guys, wait... Fujioka passes for a guy, I pass for a guy. They must be thinking I could become a host like Fujioka.

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