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The first week aboard the ship was a free week. This was mainly to settle in and find your way around so you weren't so stressed and confused when you had classes.



"Zak wake up!"


Darryl sighed and sat next to the sleeping Zak, shaking his shoulder to wake him up.

Zak opened his eyes to see Darryl next to him

Darryl smiled at him and stood back up
"Finally you're up. It's like 1030. I bought you a coffee."

Zaks' eyes lit up as he sat up and grabbed the coffee, smiling at Darryl before taking a sip.

"Is it good?" Darryl asked

Zak only nodded before getting out of bed and grabbing his shirt off of his floor and slipping it on

"I was planning on looking around for a bit today, you in?" Darryl asked

"Yeah sure."


Throughout the day the boys explored the whole ship, finding where each of their lecture halls were and even got to know each other very well

"God dammit." Zak mumbled as Darryl was looking over the balcony at the ocean

"Hm?" Darryl looked over at him

"It's gonna rain."

"Lets just go inside." Darryl said before starting to walk under the cover to the doors.

Zak followed him and observed the tabled under the cover of the ship

"Wait." Zak grabbed Darryl's hand and brought him to the table, sitting down and making sure he couldn't get wet

"You want to stay here?" Darryl softly smiled before sitting on the chair next to him instead of across

Zak only nodded before looking out at the ocean. Now darker because of the rain, you could slightly see the orange and pink sky illumination behind the clouds.

"I had fun today, I'm excited for school to start." Zak said without looking back at Darryl, keeping his eyes fixed on the water

Darryl smiled and looked at Zak, knowing he can't notice his stare from behind him.

"Me too Zak."


"Fuck. It's raining again." Zak muttered as he looked out the window of his room

"There was no reason to swear in the sentence." Darryl said, moving next to Zak and shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans

"Whatever." Zak pauses for a second "You know its the third day in a row of this rain?"

"I know. I can look out the window too." Darryl said sarcastically as he started to walk away

Zak spun around and grabbed Darryl's arm, pulling him back over
"What did you just say?"

Darryl slightly smirked before changing his facial expression to a smile. He put his hand on Zak's and ripped his hand off of his arm.

Zak softly frowned, making Darryl giggle.

Darryl stood up straight and took a step closer towards the smaller boy, making Zak look up at him, the fear slowly being able to show on his face.

Darryl looked down at him and slightly smirked, tightening his jaw and looking into Zak's eyes before quickly breaking eye contact and walking to his room.

Zak blinked at the sudden eye contact, feeling something he hasn't felt before.


Darryl was sitting at his desk, all of his concentration put into a book that laid on top of it. The boy was wearing his glasses, his hair slightly messy, the waves still being visible.

Zak slowly approached the other boy's room, trying not to giggle as he walked up behind Darryl.

Since Darryl was facing the other way, he didn't notice the smaller boy approaching him, a joyful grin across his face.

All of the sudden Darryl's clothes and hair got soaked from ice water, causing him to jump and quickly turn around, seeing Zak holding a now empty water bottle.

"Oh you're gonna regret that."

Zak threw himself into a fit of giggles and ran out into his side of the room, jumping on his bed.

Darryl followed him slowly, stripping off the now see-through white shirt, a sly smirk printed on his face as he approached Zak's bed.

"No! I'm sorry!" Zak said, giggling in the process as he moved his legs under him
Darryl quickly got to the bed and threw the soaking shirt at Zak, causing him to get wet too.

"Ew!" Zak yelled, throwing the shirt back at him

Darryl laughed and grabbed Zak's arm, pinning him down onto the bed.

Darryl was standing on the foot of the bed, in between Zak's legs, leaning over to keep him pinned down.

"Say sorry." Darryl said, his voice deepening as he looked Zak in the eyes

Zak was still giggling, not even realizing how weird this situation would look if someone were to walk in

"Hm." Darryl used his other hand to grab Zak's chin and move his face so he was looking at him.

"I said say sorry." Darryl smirked again

Zak fell silent, quickly breaking the eye contact after realizing how close their faces were. He tried to look everywhere but his face, his eyes falling on Darryl's chest, realizing that this situation is even weirder since he was shirtless.

Zak's breathing hitched as he looked back up at Darryl. Darryl was still staring straight at him, the smirk still on his face.

"I'm sorry." Zak muttered, feeling his face getting hot

"Good boy." Darryl said in the same deep voice before smiling and getting off him, grabbing his shirt and walking to the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

Zak Pov

Okay. Hear me out. I'm not gay. But I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier. It's drilled into my mind. His arms over me made me feel.. different.

I don't know. Maybe its hormones?

Him being shirtless made it even worse, and he didn't even realize what he was doing to me.

I don't get how he can be so dominant but innocent at the same time.


voting helps a lot!!

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