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"Lucky I'm WHAT?" Zak shouted, his face slowly turning red.

"Oh come on you know I'm joking." Darryl smirked

Zak stood there silent, not knowing what to say

"Unless I'm not" Darryl said before grabbing Zak and pulling him into a hug so the other boy gets wet as well

"Gross! Get off of me!" Zak yelled, trying to push Darryl off of him

Darryl only hugged him tighter, picking him up bridal style and walking to the edge of the pool.

"Don't you dare!" Zak screamed, trying to get out of his grip

"Why shouldn't I?" Darryl asked, looking down at the desperate boy in his arms

"I'll do anything!" Zak begged, looking back at him

"Anything?" Darryl smirked

"Yes! Anything!"

"I'll get what I want from you eventually" Darryl chuckled, throwing the smaller boy in the freezing water

Zak quickly got out of the pool, glaring at Darryl before approaching him and slapping his face

"What now you're a tough guy?" Darryl grinned, lowering his eyes to meet Zak's level

"Bitch." Zak mumbled before walking inside and to their room


Darryl unlocked the door to their room and walked in, finding Zak sitting on his bed, wearing black sweatpants and no shirt.

Darryl's eyes followed the indented lines on the younger boy's chest, his jaw clenching as he stares at him.

"Dude." Zak said, glaring at Darryl

Darryl blinked before looking up to Zak's face

"Stop staring at me. Fucking bitch." Zak scoffed, turning over so his back is facing Darryl

"La-" Darryl sighed "Why are you so mad at me?" Darryl asked in a soft tone, slowly approaching Zak's bed

"I'm not." Zak whispered

"Hm? What was that?" Darryl asked, as he slowly climbed into the bed and sat next to the other boy.

"I said I'm not!" Zak shouted, flipping over to see Darryl sitting next to him.

"Shh." Darryl whispered, giving the over boy a soft smile

"Fuck you." Zak mumbled, looking up at the boy

Darryl smirked "Would you like to watch?"

"Shut up!" Zak said, flipping back over

"I'm kidding, language by the way." Darryl smiled, laying down so he's laying next to Zak, facing his back

Darryl poked Zak's shoulder, giggling during the process.

"Stop!" Zak snapped

"Make me." Darryl replied

Zak flipped over so he was facing Darryl, their faces just inches apart

"Hi" Darryl softly whispered

Zak sighed and kisses Darryl's cheek

"Too easy." Darryl smirked

Darryl placed his hand on Zak's cheek before softly kissing him

Zak kissed back and before they knew it Darryl was on top of Zak, making out with the smaller boy.

They would only stop for a second to catch their breath before continuing.

Darryl placed his knee in between Zak's leg, brushing against his crotch

Zak quickly let go of the kiss, looking down at Darryl's leg

"Too much?" Darryl asked

Zak looked back at him and smirked
"Not enough" Zak replied before reaching over and turning off the lamp, darkening the room


Zak woke up at around 6pm to an empty bed, he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

He got up and opened the blinds, walking to Darryls room and walking in.

The room is empty. Zak sighs and walks to the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting in.

As he's washing his knotted and messy hair, he heard the door to their room open

"Darryl?" Zak shouted, assuming he went to get dinner somewhere

No answer.

Zak shook it off and continued to shower

Zak was washing his face when the bathroom door slowly and quietly opened, too quiet for him to hear under the running water.

All of the sudden he got hugged from behind, causing Zak to scream and kick the guy in the crotch

"WHAT THE HECK" Darryl shouted, stepping out of the shower quickly

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Zak shouted back, glaring at Darryl

"Okay okay. I deserved that. I'm sorry for scaring you." Darryl said softly, smiling a bit

"Whatever." Zak scoffed, grabbing a towel and covering himself

"I got us Chinese food if you're hungry" Darryl smiled, walking out

Zak sighed and got out, putting on some sweatpants and walking to the table.

Darryl was setting the table with some plates and forks, taking the food out of the bad.

"Hi." Zak said softly

Darryl looked up to see Zak, his eyes quickly drawing to his chest before blinking and looking at his face
"Come sit." Darryl smiled and sat down at the table, putting some food on his plate

The dinner was pretty quiet before Darryl decided to speak up.

"Can we talk about something?" Darryl asked, looking nervous as he looked up at Zak

"Yeah sure! What?" Zak said, smiling

"We need to stay friends."

That smile on Zak's face faded so quickly it was almost like you could never tell it was there.

voting helps a lot!!

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