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Zak's POV

Ever since Darryl kissed me-

No. Not kissed.

Honestly we full on made out on our kitchen table.

But anyways.

Ever since THAT. Its been kind of awkward. That was Monday night and now its Friday, and we've barely talked.

We've done everything together like usual, but theres a tension. And we don't know what to talk about.

3rd Person

Zak stumbled into the room, taking a last sip of his beer before throwing the bottle on his bed and sitting down.

Zak yawned, untying his shoes and taking them off.

Zak got up and made his way to Darryl's room, walking in
"Darrylll?" Zak said, his words a bit slurred

"Hm?" Darryl said, getting up from his desk and taking his glasses off before grabbing a shirt out of his closet to put on.

"I need to use the shh-"

"The what? Zak how drunk are you?" Darryl questioned, grabbing Zak's hand and putting him on his bed before sitting next to him

"Shhowerr" Zak slurred, having his head fall to Darryl's shoulder

"Zak shower tomorrow, your drunk. You're going to fall in the shower."


"Plus its like 2am." Darryl sighed before laying down on the bed and taking off the shirt he just put on

"Go to bed" Darryl ordered

Zak yawned and laid down right next to the other boy, facing away from him

"I meant in- you know what whatever." Darryl sighed, reaching over Zak and turning off the lamp

"Goodnigghtt" Zak giggled

"Goodnight Zak." Darryl sighed


Zak woke up to a massive headache
"Jesus fucking chri-"

"Language" Darryl said, looking at the boy from his desk

"Language my ass your acting like you didn't choke me out a few da-"

"Don't even." Darryl said glaring at Zak before looking back at his laptop

Zak sat up and rubbed his eyes "Why am I even in your bed?"

"You fell asleep with me last night."

"Hm. Oh."

A thick silence filled the room before Zak spoke again

"Do you regret it?"

Darryl quickly looked at him, taking off his glasses and biting the end of them

"What makes you think that?" Darryl asked

"Come on. You've been distant all week."

Darryl got up and sat on the bed next to the other boy, trailing his finger against Zak's jawline.

Zak only froze, his cheeks turning pink from the older boy's touch

"I don't regret it." Darryl softly spoke before kissing Zak's cheek and getting up, sitting back at his desk and continuing his work

"Oh-Okay." Zak stuttered before getting up and walking to the bathroom


Zak stepped out of the steamy bathroom wearing an oversized yellow hoodie, messing with his wet hair.

Darryl looked away from his laptop and glanced at the boy, before looking back down quickly

"Come get coffee with me" Zak said before walking out to the other room

Darryl finished the sentence he was writing before closing his laptop and getting up, he got dressed and quickly left his room.


The boys walked together to the cafe on the deck, having small talk before arriving and ordering.

They sat down at a table and watched the view of the ocean

"Do you miss your family?" Zak asked

"Of course I do. But I'm happy you're keeping me company. What about you?" Darryl smiled

"I miss them but we still have like half a year. And I'm okay with that."


"What now Zak?"

"Hm." Zak looked around the deck before spotting the pool

"Lets go swimming!" Zak said in an ecstatic voice

"Swimming?" Darryl sighed

"It will be fun! I swear!"

"Alright." Darryl agreed


"The pool is freezing!" Darryl complained after touching the water with his hand

"You're such a baby!" Zak said, standing behind Darryl

"There is no way I am swimming today."
Darryl said before turning around and looking at Zak

"Fine then I'll just have to-" Zak shoved Darryl in the pool, erupting in a fit of giggles as Darryl quickly swam to the surface and climbed out

"Oh so you wanna play that game?" Darryl said

"What gamee?" Zak teased

"You're lucky you're cute." Darryl smirked


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