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Zak's POV

I fucking hate my roommate.

3 days ago he took my virginity and then said we had to stay friends like hours later.

He made me question my sexuality, and finally be comfortable with myself and everything for THIS.

I've barely been in my room since that night, I kinda stormed out once he told me.

Today is our first port, we finally get to get off onto some land and relax for a bit.

I'm planning on meeting up with one of my friends, she went to my high school and I haven't seen her since, we have been planning to meet up for a while since were both on the ship.

At least she isn't a using bitch.


Zak was waiting by a the exit of the ship, waiting for his friend.

"Emma!" Zak shouted, hugging his friend that ran up to him

Zak let go and smiled at the shorter girl, walking off the ship with her as they talked.


"What?" And then you just dumped him??" Zak laughed

Emma smiled
"Yea! I just left!"

They both laughed as they walked in a small clothing store, they have been shopping for about and hour now

"So do you have any new rela-" Emma asked

"Shit." Zak mumbled


Darryl was in the back of the store, picking out a new pair of jeans. He was with another guy.

Zak grabbed the girls hand and pulled her to the other side of the store, so he was out of sight from Darryl.

"Zak!" Emma shouted, pulling her hand out of his grasp
"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. I just saw someone." Zak sighed, raking his fingers through his hair

"Oh. Well is the guy standing behind you?"

"What guy behind me ther-" Zak turned around and there stood the brunette boy, wearing his glassed paired with a tight white t-shirt and some jeans

Zak's eyes widened as he stared at Darryl
"What." Zak mumbled

"We need to talk" Darryl sighed

"Later." Zak mumbled, spinning back around so he's facing his new friend

Darryl clenched his jaw and sighed
"Now." He said in a deeper tone

Zak didn't turn back around

Zak grabbed Emma's hand and walked out of the store. Darryl sighed and walked back to his friends.


Zak and Emma were eating lunch at a small restaurant, the last thing they planned to do before boarding the ship again

"So who was that?"

"Who?" Zak asked, taking a bite out of his hamburger

"The guy who wanted to talk to you."

"My roommate" Zak sighed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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