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San was looking through his old storage. He planned to sell things he didnt need for sure. He smiled finding his old toys he saved, hoping to give them to his children one day.

"Wooyoungs old shoes...my old basketball jerseys. " san listed as he threw some things in the sale boxes. It felt good to clean out the old items gathering dust.

He placed a box in the back of his car. "Are you moving?" Joked Seonghwa as he walked up.

"Hm? Oh just selling some stuff so it wont gather anymore dust. " explained San. Seonghwa nodded and started helping him load boxes.

"...a jewelry box?" Questioned Seonghwa. He opened it, his eyes lit up. San joined him, "oh that was my mothers."

"Are you sure? I think it was Wooyoungs." Said Seonghwa as he held up the school ID he always kept.

"Wait that's where it was?! He said it was in his room at his childhood home." San gently held the box. He gently brushed his fingers over the initials carved in 'JW'.

"Wow it's been forever since I've seen it-" San froze at what he saw in the box.

"...Is that...your engagement ring?"

San gently held the ring in his hand. He smiled at the beautiful, compass like ring he purchased the day he realized his love for Wooyoung. Sure, it was jumping the gun, but hey he loved him too much.

"Not for sale." San placed the ring back in the box but packed it in the car. Seonghwa stopped him from continuing, "San, how much did you pay for that? When you met you were on a tight budget."

"My parents helped me, it was a bit expensive at ₩1693886.70 ($1,500) but so worth it." San smiled at the memory of picking it out.

● Flashback ●

"We have to hurry before Woo notices his ring is gone AND I'm not at practice." San said as he rushed in the store. Hongjoong joined him today, "oh San, itll be fine."

"I'm proposing to him Hyung!" San looked more paunicked then excited. Hongjoong rolled his eyes and helped San look.

"How can I help you?" The nice worker smiled. San gave her a friendly smile, "I'm looking for an engagement ring for my boyfriend, um this is a ring of his I'm not sure what size it is."

"Oh dont worry we can match the size. Let me show you our best rings, yeah?"

San smiled and followed her.

"Wow...these are all so beautiful, I um dont have much money." San blushed and showed the cash he had.

"Dont worry, you can pay it off, or I can set up a plan." She offered.

"I'll get back to you on that, if you dont mind but I'll still take a look." The woman nodded and left him to browse.

"Hong hyung, what screams wooyoung to you?" Asked San as he kept looking.

"Other than Wooyoung himself? Hm this one is nice." Hongjoong pointed at an engagement ring with a butterfly. Sans eyes lit up, "wow."

"I'll take that one please." San pointed it out. The worker took it out and helped San up the payment plan. In 3 months he paid it off, thanks to his parents help.

He took Wooyoung to the beach, when it hit sunset San reached into his bag. Wooyoung was watching the sunset sleepily.

"Hey Woo?"

"Hm?" Wooyoung raised his head up, smiling at his wonderful boyfriend. San smiled back and kissed his forehead. "I love you alot, you know that, right?"

Wooyoung nodded, " I love you alot too Sannie."

San made Wooyoung sit up so he could get up, pretending to get a water out of their cooler. He grabbed the box and turned around, kneeling on one knee.

Wooyoungs eyes grew wide, he sat up, and looked at San, "S-Sannie?"

"Jung Wooyoung, I've loved you since that first day I saw you. I came regularly for you I knew you were the one when we went on our first date, will you do me the honors of marrying me?" San wiped away a few tears to keep his composure.

Wooyoung was crying and covered his face to flush away the tears that were flowing like a river. "Of course I will Sannie!" Wooyoung tackled San and kissed him.

San chuckled and kissed back, placing the ring on his lover's finger. Wooyoung sniffled and admired the beautiful ring. Hugging San once more, they watched the rest of the sunset together.

Wooyoung had fallen asleep on the beach, San carried everything to the car. He then picked up Wooyoung and carried him bridal style to the car, gently buckling him up, and placing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"Sleep well baby." He drove to their house, gently waking Wooyoung up.

"Hey baby, you need to change and go to bed. I'll be right there sweetheart." Wooyoung sleepily nodded, yawned, stretched, and walked inside.

"I cant believe its here, after so long." San smiled. His friends came over, and helped set up everything to be for sell.

Many things being sold already, San saw someone looking into the jewelry box. He quickly rushed over, "I'm so sorry sir, this isnt supposed to be in here." The man gave him the box, "you know, I sell rings. This one is worth millions, they stopped making it, and it sells fast are you interested in selling it? I'll give full price ITS worth."

San immediately denied, "I'm sorry, this was my husband's engagement ring. He passed away so I'm keeping it."

"I'm sorry for your loss, if you ever change your mind." The man wrote down the worth, and his phone number. He handed him the card. "I'm a phone call away."

San looked at the card, his eyes widened. The price was in fact millions. This was Wooyoung right though. He shoved the card in his pocket, and thanked the man.

"What was that all about?" Asked Yunho, seeing the whole exchange. San handed him the card, "he wants Wooyoungs engagement ring."

"San this IS alot of money, but I understand this ring means more to you. I wouldnt take it." San sighed and looked at the card, then the ring.

What was he going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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