Chapter 14: heart like yours

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Songs in this Chapter:
I Don't Miss You by Finneas
Tattoos Together by Lauv
Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls
As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese
Heart Like Yours by Williamette Stone

The first day back at the studio, James embraced Remus like long-lost lovers reuniting after months at sea. "Remus, my boy, how have you been?"

Remus laughed lightly. It felt nice to be able to laugh freely again, without worrying about Sirius' eyes watching him. "It's been good. I moved."

"Yes, Lily told me."

After Sirius had told him that he wanted to be friends again, the two of them had spent the night playing music together in Remus' living room. They had let out all the residual anger and resentment into the jam session and now Remus had no problem making eye contact across the room. He felt no type of way about how his heart would skip a beat whenever Sirius sent him that Sirius Black grin.

"You know what Lily told me?" Sirius said as he started warming up on the drums.

"Since when do you talk to Lily?" Remus challenged.

"Since James brought her around last night."

Remus turned to James with a raised eyebrow.

"What? We're just friends," James said and Remus hummed unconvincingly in response.

"What did Lily tell you?" Remus prompted Sirius.

"That our dear old friend Snivellus has joined a new band," Sirius said with a storyteller's flair. "They go by the name the Death Eaters." James nodded, clearly already having been told this story.

"The old bassist?" Remus asked and Sirius nodded. "Are they trying to be edgy or something?"

"Who knows?" Sirius replied. "It's stupid as hell though."

"Did you hear that, Wormtail?" James asked.

Peter looked up from where he was practicing silently on the keyboard. "Oh, yeah. I mean, good for Snape for moving on."

"Good for Snape?" Sirius exclaimed in disbelief. "No, fuck that asshole! I hope he rots."

"What exactly did he do?" Remus asked. He might have been present at the final argument but he had never gotten the full story.

"The motherfucker," Sirius began but James put a hand on his shoulder and picked up the story.

"So me, Sirius, Peter, Lily, and Snape all went to school together. Of course, the three of us were friends and Lily and Snape were friends."

"Snape and Lily hated us," Peter added factually.

"Yes, they found our pranks, 'childish and immature,' and Lily especially did not take kindly to my constant pursuit of her hand. Anyway, Lily still had a bunch of classes together with us and so when we asked her if she knew anyone who played bass, she said Snape did. So we invited him to our band."

"The worst mistake of our lives," Sirius muttered.

"Hey, if we never had Snivellus to kick out," James said, "We would have never met Remus."

Sirius' eyes locked with Remus and Sirius' face softened, "I guess you're right Prongs."

"So we start playing and at first it's not that bad. He is a really skilled musician."

"Though not as good as you, Moony," Sirius said.

"Of course. So the band was going well but when we left school, it sort of fell apart. Then about a year ago, we decided to get it back together, so we called up Snape and he was ready to join, but at this point, he had changed."

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