Chapter 10: the tour begins

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Songs in this chapter:

Night Changes by One Direction

The band reached their first town by midday and immediately were ushered into a radio interview. Remus had never been inside a radio station before and he was shocked by the mundanity of it all. He didn't know what he expected - flashing lights or cool designs - but by the looks of it, it was just a normal office building with a recording studio in it.

They were there to promote the tour and the upcoming album, which meant that Remus was likely going to be asked about Christopher Barley.

"If they ask what you think of him, say that you are a big fan and you really love his work and all that, crap" Marlene coached him before the interview began.

"And if they ask if we dated?"

"Tell the truth, but be polite about it. Spin it all in a good light."

"So not the truth then," Sirius grumbled.

"Play nice," Marlene chastised. "Christopher Barley has given us a lot of press."

"How generous," Sirius said under his breath but soon the radio host was ushering them into the studio. There was a lot of handshaking and niceties which Remus had never been great at, unlike the other boys who all soared with easy smiles and a professional atmosphere. Remus just sat in his seat and waited for the interview to begin, already wishing it was over.

He was sat next to Sirius who immediately whispered into his ear, "Are you excited?"

Remus mouthed, 'nervous,' and Sirius gave his shoulder a squeeze. Unbeknownst to them, a video of the whole thing was being live-streamed to the internet and their numbers were climbing higher and higher. The video of the interview - which immediately was shared by thousands on Twitter - was this:

"Alright everyone," the announcer began. "I want to welcome to the studio today the Marauders. They are a new band coming out of London and starting their first-ever tour. Welcome guys."

"Thank you so much for having us," James responded.

"So tell me a little about this band. How did it start?"

James launched into the whole story. Remus wasn't even sure if he had ever heard it before.

"So me, Peter, and Sirius all went to school together and we were all roommates," James started.

"It was a wild dorm," Sirius interjected.

"Yeah, absolutely crazy. So one day when we were like 14, Sirius was practicing piano and I was singing along, making up words as I go."

"Oh so Sirius, you actually play the piano?" The radio host asked.

"Yeah, but drums are my true love," Sirius answered with a smile.

"So, Peter comes down the stairs and hears us and says - " James gestured to Peter.

"We should start a band," Peter added.

"And the Marauders was born," James said with a smile.

"And when did you join, Remus?" The radio host turned to him.

Remus fidgeted with the end of his sweater. It was an easy question but Remus still felt like he was going to say something wrong.

"It was only a few months ago. The boys were playing a show at the place I was bartending at. Afterward, Sirius came up to me and asked if I knew anyone who played bass."

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