Ch 24 "A Glassblast??"

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Hello My Dear Readers
Hope you all are good
Welcome to another chapter of "The Slave to the Beast "

The Target:-✔️20 Votes
                       ✔️10 Comments (Its Necessary to complete 🤣)

I feel very bad When I see so many reads but very few votes and comments

So please it's a humble request to everyone who is reading My book to vote and comment

I ain't asking you a big load of money
Just a tiny thing which will make my day .......

Author's P.O.V

Ridhima and Karan both went to the hospital with the car being parked in the parking area ,Ridhima had tears in het eyes as she was going to meet her father after a long time ....

Very quitelt they both entered his room to find him sleeping with lots of wires attached to him ,Ridhima got scared seeing him under so much wires and machines she went upto him quietly and caressed his sunken cheeks his eyes had dark bags his lips were chapped she started sobbing seeing his such pitiful state Karan went to her to give some support to ger he touched her shoulder but she pushed him away and showed her angry eyes and spoke with her wavering voice

" are  the reason behind every misery of mine,every pain of mine ,I dont know why god gave me only such a cruel fate ........My dad is in a very serious condition ,He is Struggling here with tubes and wires attached to him....."

She wanted to say more but before she could complete her sentence he pulled her close to him and tightened his hold around her waist and clenched his jaw and spoke

"If you have Fucking Seen your so called sick Father,I think its time to go back hmmm?"

She looked at him with pain in her eyes and one last time glanced at her father and caressed his cheeks and started following behind him

When she reached the car she started crying while holding herself to not break down infront of him,she was trying to hold herself back

She felt a touch on her arms and she tried to push him back but he was too strong to get pushed away by her at last with so much anger boiling in her she slapped him right away and held his collar in her fist and clenched it and spoke in gritted tone and furious tone

"What was my fault .....Karan ...Why why Did you caused pain to me and my Family they are innocent my family is know what I curse you that you will never get the love of your life and thats my Curse "

And that was the last string to Karan's anger which was crossed he held her hair in his fist and started tugging on them till Ridhima could feel her hair breaking from their roots

At this moment he looked like a true beast and a monster who can never be tamed

He spoke to her "You know what bitch today you passed your fucking limits and now I wont even fucking care if you die at this moment because you dont mean anything to me "

After this they went back to the old mansion with Heavy hearts

Karan was angry at himself that he couldn't control his anger and at the heat of the moment he uttered those words to her which must have hurt like hell

While Ridhima was still hurt at with What Karan did to her and her family

They both were unknown to the storm which was coming closer to them


After 2 hours

Karan was sitting drunk in his room with the Bottle of Whiskey in his hand he had already drunk and emptied two of them while this was his third one,he was upset with all the things happening around him his mind was not at peace ,his heart was burning with revenge while his soul was not allowing him to do so

He promised himself to not hurt her but still he lost his control he hurted her again ,she was right that will it ever work between them and Yes now it started to feel it wont ever work between the two of them although they say opposite attracts each other but in their case he was hell and she was heaven and the attraction is strong but not the bond

While thinking about his past his heart clenched remembering the painful and cruel memories which always took him down to the past lane

His thoughts were all over the place and in the same anger he crushed the glass of whiskey in his hand which now started burning his skin but he knew he always did something wrong and by self torturing he punished himself for those crimes

His thoughts were all over the place and in the same anger he crushed the glass of whiskey in his hand which now started burning his skin but he knew he always did something wrong and by self torturing he punished himself for those crimes

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While Ridhima was praying to The Lord in her room, she heard the noise of glass shattering and a loud noise came from HIS room .

She rushed to see the matter and found him out of his senses with blood oozing out of his wound

She rushed to him and found his hands were completely red abd when she looked at his face he found his bloodshot red eyes gazing in her soft brown eyes

She looked away and asked for the first aid kit he signalled it in the first drawer ,she quickly went and took it out and started treating his wound while blowing air on his hand

He smiled at the care she had for him although he knew she was doing this means out of humanity but still this small and sweet gesture of hers made him feel good he kept staring at her face which was shining under the soft moonlight unknowingly he spoke

" know w...what are a fairy a beautiful fairy no my fairy ....I am....s...sorry "


Thankyou For Reading
Hope you all liked it

And this time I wont update if you all Dont complete both the targets please complete it its very less

Please at least this much I am asking from you all and I hope its not much

Stay Safe and Healthy
Till we meet again


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