Companion Or Something Else? (COSE?)

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Jeonghan POV

I was busy in the dance practice room when I suddenly heard a giggle of a girl.

that voice is familiar, I said to my self and then I followed it.

when I open the door I saw Carla with Seungcheol, they are both having fun with each other's company.

I was jealous, yes l am, I can't see the girl I like being happy with someone else.

Because of jealousy, I head back inside the dance practice room and pack my things and then walk out of it.

not Minding Carla and Seungcheol's Hyung greet to me, as I just walk away from there, and just decided to go back to the dorm....

Seungcheol POV

Me and Carla we're just joking around about my members when we both heard a door slamming.

when we both look at it we both saw Jeonghan with his bag on his shoulder he seems like he is in a rush because when we greet him he doesn't even look at us or even say hello back.

Me and Carla just shrugged off his attitude towards us, and we both decided to go to my studio.

once we are inside I Make her sit to the chair next to mine.

I was making music when I saw Carla staring at me, I smirk to my self before looking at her....

"What?" I ask her.

"Oh nothing... I was just wondering if.... How did you make you music.... I mean, Carat is your inspiration with it right, so I was wondering is there anybody else who you all are inspired by?" She ask curiously.

"Well.... There is this one girl that is making my heart go fast but I wasn't sure enough if I am 100% sure about my feelings for her." I explained to her.

actually I was thinking about her, she's been in my mind after she comforts me two weeks ago.

I wasn't hundred percent sure if I really am falling for her.

"Well that girl must be lucky then." She said while playing with her fingers.

I smiled to my self it was you Carla. That is what I want to say but I want to wait for her.

"How about you? Do you like someone?" I ask her.

"Yeah... I actually like Rhys, but...." She said and play with her fingers again.

"But?" I ask.

"Him and Ericka we're officially together now, but don't tell anyone, okay?" She said then I just nod.

"Yeah I promise." I said to her.

then I get back to my work.

It might hurt, a bit knowing that the person I like, already like someone else.

But I push it all aside first and continue what I was doing.

Carla POV

It was embarrassing to say that to Seungcheol since, we are not super close but, I think it was just fine.

I mean he promise he won't say it to the others so why not right??

Then, I got a text from Ericka, my Best friend that Nikolai has been brought to the hospital.

I was so shock that I forgot to say goodbye to Seungcheol and rash out of his studio.

I heard him shout my name but I didn't look back since I am so worried about Nikolai.

I run to the parking lot using the stairs and then when I saw my car.

I went inside and start it.

I drove from HYBE to the hospital.

I park my car on the Parking lot and then went inside the hospital.

I go to the nurse area and ask for his room number.

"Ahm miss do you have a patient here Named Nikolai Park?" I ask her.

"Yes ma'am he is in room 421, are you perhaps his family?" The nurse ask.

"I..... I am his.... Girlfriend." I said.

F*ck why did I need to lie. I said to my self.

"Oh okay, you can come to him in the fourth floor, the elevator is on the left side." The nurse said.

"Thank you." I said.

Then I rush to the elevator and wait.

Until it opens, I went inside and press the number 4.

The elevator dings on the fourth floor, and I run to the 421 room where the nurse said was Nikolai.

I open the door and see Rhys, Khys, Leo, Tan, Levin, Lacey, Ruby, Sheena and Ericka.

The four girls run up to me and pull me to Nikolai's side.

I saw him still sleeping, but it looks like he wasn't but I still sat on the chair near him.

"What happened to him?" I ask Rhys.

"He got stabbed by one of the paparazzi." He replied.

"What did the doctor says?" I ask.

And look at Niko.

"His doctor says he will wake up any minute now." Sheena replied.

"Yah, Niko I know you are already awake... Open your eyes now." I said to him.

He smile then open his eyes.

"Hi." He huskily said.

That was so d*mn sexy. I said to my self.

"Hello." I greet back.

"Did I make you worried?" He ask.

"No you didn't, I just almost died out of worrying about you, so no you really didn't." I sarcastically said.

Then all of them laugh.

"Sorry." He said and held my hands.

"Hayst, Don't do it again okay?" I said to him.

"Yes mom I won't." He sarcastically said.

"I'm serious, I worried a lot about you." I honestly said.

"Aww that was so cute." Rhys said.

"Shut up." Ericka said to her.

"Anyway.... Ericka.... I saw your brother Erick with Stephanie at school yesterday, what's with them?" I said to her.

"I don't know.... I heard they had a huge fight." She replied.

"I wonder what they are fighting about." I said.

"Don't think about them for now okay???" Niko said.

"Fine." I replied.

I spent all of my time with them.

After an hour, as Nikolai sleeps, I said my Goodbye to all of them before going out of his room.

I go straight to my car and drove back to the apartment building.

I went inside the apartment and close the door, lock it and went straight to my room and change into pajamas.

I sat on my bed and use my phone for a while and then decided to sleep, because of tiredness.


A/n: Okay so this is the next update that everyone has been waiting for, also happiest birthday to our best leader of BTS, Kim Nam Joon or also known as RM, I am so proud of you my baby RM, I love you and I wish you all the best on your birthday today ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (1164 words.)

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