3 - Flashbacks And Memories

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"don't cry, dear dove. I've got you now. You're safe" it coo's, George leaning into its touch.

The god flies up to the mountain and on the ground, the prince still clinging on it.

It wipes away the tears that are flowing from the boys eyes, "why did you run after the horses, dear? You could've avoided almost dying if you didn't go"

The prince's voice trembles slightly, "I- I didn't want them to die and I didn't think that I would fall down so I had to save their lives. I mean- they're still young they don't deserve to die-... It was stupid of me but I did save them"

The god gives the mortal a genuine small although he can't see it himself he can hear it in its voice, "that's sweet of you but be more careful alright, my dove?"

The boy only nods, still clinging onto the god. It sits them both down on the ground, it cradling the boy in its arms and playing with his hair.

The god sat in the forest while awaiting for one of his birds to come down and tell him what is happening around the forest.

As if on cue, the bird comes down with two horses trailing behind it.

The bird explains what happened, as if to what it saw happen, to the godly being.

One of the horses to it that it had pushed a royal mortal off the cliff.

The god knew that there was a chance that it could've been George that was pushed off so it took off to the sky's, going to the same cliff where the bird had told it.

It found George just as the branch snapped and he yelped, the god quickly flying down to catch him.

The god continues playing with the boys hair, "are you okay?"

The boy nods, "Yes, I am. I'm sorry if I worry you."

The god has gained pity towards the mortal, "don't apologise. Its quite alright, dear. Why where you out in the forest with a carriage, if you don't mind me asking."

"my father made a small session for me to go talk with a damsel in one of the lakes here. I went and the rest you might know" the god hums.

"you seem tired already although it is yet to be dark out." the god wonders.

George sighs, "being a prince has its problems. It's not really all fun because I do have work to do like paperwork, future events, meetings and all. It gets tiring."

DreamXD lightly chuckled, "so that is why you're tired when it's not even midday sometimes"

The mortal decides to be a bit playful but truthful, "you spy on me? What a simp" he mumbled the last bit.

To his dismay, it heard it, "'a god tier simp' as some might say and no, I have birds that report on me and sometimes they tell me that you're tired whenever you come here but it isn't even midday."

George becomes a pit of laughter and DreamXD smiles whilst watching him laugh. Eventually, his laughing pit dies down and the smile soon fades as well, "i have a question- or two actually"

The gods attention lands on the boy, "what is it?"

The boy took a second before asking, "why did you make a deal with me? Or stick around with me even when i don't need anything from the deal and yea.?" he seemed a bit hesitant asking the second question

Caelum | DreamXD x GeorgeNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now