2 - Cliffs When Tragedy Strikes

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Warning: Near Death Experience and mentions of someone dying


"So, what should I call you?" the god thinks.


The god and prince have been walking in the forest for about an hour now since the assassination. Time has been lost for them currently.

The God's name sends a shiver down George's spine.

The name.. George can't pin point it but it does sound familiar... unless.., "DreamXD? That sounds familiar"

The god perks up, "really? Maybe you've seen or heard of my twin then"

"your twin would be a god like you" the god shakes its head.

"My twin, unlike me, doesn't have powers or magic. He lives here on earth. I've heard of some of his ridiculous schemes but not all of them. His name is similar to mine. His name is, Dream." the boy tenses, the god unknowingly turning a blind eye to that.

"Dream... yes, I've heard of your brother. He was someone...special to me" George cringes at the last part, hating it.

"was?" the god questions, eager to find out what happened.

The boy sighs, still tensed and continuing to walk with the god, "we didn't really end on good terms. He was and I'm assuming still is lovesick..an unhealthy amount aswell..last time I saw him when I visited him in prison he was so delighted to see me but then again so, so lovesick I just left before 15 minutes even hit the mark of my visit.."

DreamXD stopped in his tracks making George stop aswell, it turned to the little one, "it scared you?"

The boy nodded, "...frightened me.. Its scary to think someone is so lovesick towards me... I- I know its soppused to be lovely for someone to care for you that much but its overwhelming and-"

The god interjects George's words, "sit down, dear, and try to explain things slow and steady as to not stress yourself more than you've already have done"

George just nods and sits down, the god sitting next to him, the boy sighs, "it's just...if I say to people that I have someone like Dream so lovesick, they'll see it as a way he's very caring towards me and grew to love me more and more after we got together that he'd die for me..but it's just- not right. I really did think that he'd change after they put him in the prison but, it just made things worse. A lot worse."

As the boy continues, the god listens to him, letting the boy continue on about different things.

One thing caught the gods slight attention though.

Its not that his brother was lovesick, its not that the mortal was so scared or tense...

It was a feeling. Two actually.

One of them though was a weird feeling...

A strange feeling...

Jelousy, is what we call it.

It was jealous of something... that something was that George was together with his brother and not..him?

Caelum | DreamXD x GeorgeNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now