i met them when we wer kids

406 27 5


I was in my room playing with my dolls. When, all of the sudden, my mom and dad rushed in my room. "Juvia! Listen, sweetie, run away with your brother. Hurry up! I packed all the things you need, go somewhere safe!" My mom said tears falling from her eyes trailing down her cheeks.

"Mommy? What's going on? Juvia doesn't want to leave you!" I cried "you have too, your brother is waiting outside... He'll explain it all." My dad said and he too, was now crying. Than I heard the front door slam open.

My dad threw me out the window. I landed on the ground with cits and bruises. "Juvia!" My brother called and I got up and ran to him. I felt my eyes sting and just threatening to fall. "Brandon! What's going on?" I asked and we began running.

"Mommy and daddy have a mean visitor and has a gun." Just than gun shots echoed. I felt the hot tears fell from my eyes. Than silence. "Brandon? Brandon! BRANDON?!" I yelled I looked around and couldn't find my big brother. I fell to the ground. I sobbed. Than I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. I looked behind me and I saw a boy. "W-who are you?" I asked the boy. "I'll help you." He said "we'll help you." He said and more children came out.

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