Finding You

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Tom and Alexander apparated to the Prince mansion. But they were welcomed with a horrible scene.

Nicole was laying down on the floor with a pool of blood around him. His shirt was torn in different places and cuts were clearly visible through them. Seeing his bloodied mate, Alexander rushed towards Nicole.

He checked for a pulse.

Nicole was alive. " Leave Al. I will take care of Severus. "

Alexander had to trust Riddle. He rushed to floo with Nicole wrapped around him.

Tom took his wand and carefully descended the stairs. The hall was empty. Only Severus' door was ajar.He peeped inside.The entire room was a mess. There were burn marks in the walls, a clear indication of spells thrown. The furniture were broken and the clothes were scattered. But no sign of Severus though.

But there was three more scents in the room. Tom tried identifying the unknown scents. Then it hit him all at once-

" Bloody Griffindorks. "


It's been three hours since Severus was taken. He was laying on his bed, tears running down his cheeks as he heard a loud explosion downstairs.

Before he could even get up, the door was opened.

James Potter.

" Hey sweetheart. Missed me?"

Severus paled in fear. He was outnumbered now. He was sure his magic was also exhausted. He tried looking behind James for any sign of his dad.

" Looking for my father in law? My friends are taking care of him"

Severus' face flushed in anger.  Potter was advancing towards him. Before Severus could reach for his wand potter launched at him.  He pinned neko on the bed.

" That damn Vampire. His scent is all over you." James started taking off Severus shirt. He pressed wet kisses all over the torso of the thrashing male.

" Get the fuck off me Potter. "

Anger was clearly evident on James' face. " What? You would have that Riddle inside you, wouldn't you. NO. YOU ARE GETTING ME. I AM GONNA FUCK YOU. I AM GONNA PUT MY PUPS IN YOU, YOU FUCKING SLUT. "

Suddenly Sirius and Peter came through the door. " Someone has entered the premises. We have to leave now. " Sirius spoke quickly.

James growled before sending a knocking out spell at Severus.


Tom Riddle was mad. He was fucking furious. The disheveled bed sheets showed so much.

Potter could be anywhere. It wouldn't be anything related his family. Potters were actually quite good. They were people of their word. He was sure that they would not side with his son to conduct such a malicious act. It might be something only potter had access to.

Wait a minute. Sev did tell him about a particular place where all four of them hung out. ' the shreaking shrack.'

He rushed outside the manor and apparated to Hogwarts. He ran all the way to the place where he believed his mate was.

Before he could get in a spell was thrown at him. He saw Sirius and Peter running towards him with their wands out. An intense duel broke out.




Crucio-  yelled Peter.

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