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the team were at joyce's house, they needed a plan to save hopper. but they knew it was heavily armed. they had eleven (of course) but they needed more.

that's when el had an idea to bring eight to come with us. she's strong, and could help take out guards. it was around 10pm and the family deiced to head to bed. they were going to save hopper tomorrow and they needed to be fully equipped and have to had slept well.

joyce in her bed, Will and Mike, in one bed. el and Max in another and the rest were cuddled up with each other on the floor surrounded in fluffy blankets.

☀︎︎ morning ☀︎︎

the morning came too quick for joyce , but she couldn't wait to get hopper back. she didn't like to admit it but he did secretly have a place in her heart. joyce walked into the boys room and saw them all bundled up and one big splat. she laughed lightly before quickly serving them breakfast and waking them up. "good morning everyone" she said quietly. they groaned in response before taking a seat and eating their food.

☾ 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥 - 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙣𝙤𝙬 ☽

as we arrive in russia, I remember murray saying he was someone in kamchatka in a secret "head quarters" kind of thing. we've been walking for 20 minutes when we come across this massive building in the middle of no where.

we slowly walk towards the building, but It was secured heavily. "I'm sure this is the place there keeping hopper, I have a weird feeling about it" joyce said.

they sneaked around the back whilst eleven used her powers to make a loud noise hoping the guards would go that way. they did. they used crowbar from Joyce's bag and smashed the security cameras so that no one would see them.
once they were inside the building, they  turned and crept around corners until they reached doors that read " заключенные здесь" (prisoners held here)

they searched each room removing the heavy metal on each door and calling out hoppers name. after searching a little more they found a door, all alone. hopefully it was him they had been searching for ages and don't seem to find another door.

slowly opening it they see a bald man, with chains on him, sat on the floor looking lifeless. he slowly tuned his head and his eyes lit him, it was Joyce and the team. Joyce shrieked and slowly walked up to him and began unlatching the chains from his body. once he was free, he stood and hugged joyce , she was confused at first but slowly lent into the hug.

"JOYCE" Murray screamed, "it's brenner he knows we're here".  we looked over and saw him holding eleven. joyce stepped in front of him, trying to intimidate him and hopper moved her swiftly behind making sure she doesn't get hurt. "give us eleven Brenner, or I swear to god I will kill you" Joyce boomed. And just like that, brenner fell down to the floor unconscious. eight had used her powers and made him fall down onto the floor, hitting his head hard.

they grabbed eleven and slowly made there way out, it would be a few hours before he woke up again so they had to be quick. they quickly left the binding and made there way home.

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