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They walked up to the door, Joyce placing her hand to unlock the door. Everyone welcomend Hopper in he smiled. Thinking to himself "this is my family". Nobody really spoke that night they were all tired and still in shock. Hopper was about to sleep on the couch when Joyce said "can you sleep with me please I'm scared that your won't be here when I wake up". Of course he was going to yes it was Joyce Byers.

Hopper was exicted but just showed it as a big smile across his face and said "of course Joy anything for you sweetheart. Hearing him say that made Joyce's heart flutter. His first night with the one and only Joyce Byers he thought how could he bring himself to this. Joyce woke up with trembling breathing "Hopper where are you" she gasped. Jim saw the women in front of her having a bad nightmare he wrapped his arms around her holding her close to him and giving her a light kiss on the forehead which lead her to a deep sleep "I'm here Joyce he said in a soft voice".

☀︎︎ the next day ☀︎︎

Hopper woke up, still astonished he was in the Byers' household. He made breakfast eggs and bacon for the family whilst he was staring at the prettiest women he had ever seen, he didn't know if they were dating at first so he just took it in a reasonable matter. He woke up the kids softly and said "dinners ready" thank you dad" they said. Of course he was surprised they just called him "Dad" it made his heart full with joy. And whispered to his self "family".

"Thank you" Joyce said whilst giving him a kiss on the cheek. "So what we planning on doing today" Hopper said. Will and El said that they were going to the Wheeler's to help with the party, Hopper said that's alright "no funny business hopper said" Will and Jane just started laughing whilst Joyce was trying not to laugh, "what I can't help it she's getting to old for me" "Hop she's a not a kid anymore and that kid Micheal he's a great kid".

"Goodbye" Joyce said whilst giving them a kiss on the forehead before leaving to go to the Wheeler's. Joyce and Hopper where alone for once, Jonathan was at Nancy's, Joyce was about to do the dishes whilst Hopper quickly dashed and took them off her hands "I'll do them he said" "thank you hop, I do appreciate you so much" Joyce said.

They were watching Tv when they heard a knock on the door it was Lonnie (Joyce's ex) "how you doing Joycie" She hated him when he called her that. Hey, what are you doing! "So this is loverboy your with the fat chief police how classy" Lonnie said. "GET OUT LONNIE YOUR NOT WELCOME YOU NEVER WERE NOW F*CK OFF". "Oh fiery Joycie i like it" he said "ugh whatever" "You heard her get out!"

Lonnie started to walk up to her, he hit her across the face. She was holding back the tears as she slowly started to fall down to the ground going in and out of consciousness. Hopper quickly ran over to phone as he didn't have his uniform as it was a Saturday a break day. "Hi I need a officer at Joyce Byers house, Lonnie just attacked her and she is drifting out of consciousness".

The sheriff department quickly came and drove away, "joy are you okay" he said whilst he picked her up bridal style and hoped into the Ambulance.  

☀︎︎ hospital ☀︎︎

Joyce started to slowly wake up, in came Wil and El first she didin't want to tell the truth, so she just said she fell. They both gave her a hug "I love you so much". I'm glad your okay mamma" el said before will could speak "mum I'm going to be with you all the time". They both left so that hopper could come in. (Jonathan is at Nancy's).

☀︎︎ a couple hours later ☀︎︎

Joyce was realised out of Hospital but was given painkillers. "Jonathan came as quick as he heard the news, "mom are you okay?" "I'm fine" Jonathan knew what happend because he would always witness the abuse at a young age, but Will slowly started to pick up but was still a little confused. The rest of the night was spent watching a movie and playing games nothing that would hurt Joyce. "YAAYY!!!" I won. "very funny" Hopper said, "well you always win because your a natural". He picked her up and spun her around careful of here bruises which made his temper boil, he would never hurt Joyce. Even if she did win every game she played.

They turned the Tv off and switched the lights off and started to head to bed, excited for the next day. Hopper got as close as he could to Joyce and hugged her whilst playing with her brown, silky hair. "You like my hair huh?" Hopper then snapped back into reality "oh yeah u-um sorry". "It's okay hop I actually really like it". She laid on his bare chest and rested her head against his neck. She was finally peaceful, nothing to worry about with Hopper by her side.

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