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hopper woke up to the kitchen and started making food for the kids, he was going to tell them that he had booked a honeymoon for Joyce in Hawaii. A place where she has always dreamed of going. So when he finished making the Eggo's for el, will and Jonathan he slowly crept to their room and told them to sit down.
"hey dad" el said. "hi el, i just want to talk to you about what im planning on doing with joyce". "Okay". She said.

"So I was planning on just us two to go to Hawaii for a bit, but don't worry because I talked to Karen and she said she will be happy to look after you". "What's a honeymoon" el asked confused. "A honeymoon is a holiday spent together with a new married couple". "That sounds cool".

They all agreed on not telling Joyce, because he was going to suprise her. Later, joyce woke up and she had work later that day but it was time for breakfast for her. She was wondering where eveyone was but just then hopper walked out the kids room. "There you are! What were you doing?". "Just handing them there breakfast". He lied.

Joyce finished her breakfast and cleaned her plate when she felt a pair of muscular hands around her waist. She turned around and kissed him softly. "Someone's in a good mood today" she said. "I'm always in a good mood when ever I see you joy". "Ugh, do I have to go to work today I wanna stay with you". She said with her brown puppy eyes. "Well maybe we could watch a movie on the couch when you get hope". "Okay".

Joyce left for work shouting back whilst she left "I love you hopper". "I love you too Joyce, have a great day he shouted back". He went into the kids room again and told them his plan, he was going to watch a movie and then at the end he was going to cover her eyes and lead her out into the kitchen where there will be a laptop showing the two tickets to Hawaii. The kids thought it was a good plan and they were all happy that Joyce finally has someone to look after and that actually cares for her. "Thank you hopper for taking care of her" Jonathan said. "It's noting, I love Joyce so much I want her to be happy".

Flo called hopper telling her that he was late for work "okay I'm coming" he said In a annoyed tone. "Bye kids I have to go I'll drop you off at Karen's and you can stay there until one of us comes back". "Okay" they said.

Once at Karen's he made his way to HPD there was nothing interesting today just marking and filling papers. It was his break and he decided to visit Joyce because their breaks where at similar times. "Hey Donald is Joyce in". He said with a massive smile on his face. " yes, she's just in the back stocking shelves she should be out in about for her break". "Okay thank you". He walked towards the storage room and saw Joyce stacking shelves but she was to short to put one the boxes on the shelve. "Need any help Joycie". "yes please hop". "They should really get stools for short people like you". That earned him and playful slap on his arm.

After a while they both finished work Joyce got home first since her she started work earlier and had better times then hopper. "Anyone home she said". No reply. Then Hopper came through the door. "Hop where's they kids?". "Karen's house, I'll pick them up now". "Okay bye be quick I wanna watch a the ghostbusters". " okay I'm leaving now bye I love you".

Moments later he arrived and walked in on Joyce making popcorn and making her way to the sofa. The kids went into their rooms to do whatever kids do now days and Joyce and hopper were left alone on the sofa cuddled up with his hand snakes around he waist pulling her closer to his chest and kissing her forhead lightly. They were a few jumpscares which earns joyce a fright and goes closer to hopper for support.

When the movie finished hopper placed his hands on eyes and joyce asked "hop what are we doing?". "just let me joy". He walked to the kitchen were the laptop was and she slowly opend her eyes to see that hopper had booked 2 tickets to Hawaii just them two, she was buzzing with happiness and flew her arms around hoppers neck. Hopper lifted her up and she secured her legs by wrapping them round his waist whilst nearly choking him to death because she was so excited.

He placed her down and said "I hope you like it joy, I knew you always wanted to go to Hawaii since you told me about it in high-school". "hop" she said on the verge off tears "I love it! I love you!" and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. The kids came around the wall where they had been watching and they shouted "woo". "Hope you have a great time, you two you deserve it" Jonathan said. "I'm sure we'll have a great time" he said smirking at Joyce.

She was so happy with her life right now all she could do is dream about there family and how everything fit so perfect.

She went to bed with hopper right up against her and whispered "thank you hop, you have no idea how happy i am". She smiled. " i hope you enjoy it" he says. With that he turned off the lamp and kissed Joyce's forehead and whispered "good night joy, I love you so so much".

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