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The sun beamed to the curtains, Joyce rolled over a let out a sigh as a she didn't want to wake up. Hopper on the other side was up and making breakfast for the kids and Joyce, "Good Morning sleepy head". "Hey I was tired last night and couldn't stop thinking about you". She said. He smiled.

"Kids breakfasts ready". Running down the house they all greeted each other with kisses and hugs. They all sat eating their food, toast and juice to be precise, Will and Jane asked their "parents" if they could have a sleepover at the Wheelers as they had started a new game of Dungeons and Dragons. Of course they said "yes" it was hard not to say "no" to them as they always had the best puppy eyes.

They were alone again. they deiced on watching a romantic film, hopper wasn't happy about that but he did whatever Joyce wanted to watch of course as she was the love of his life. They we're snuggled up on the 5 seater leather sofa, Joyce's head on Hoppers chest felling his heart beating calmly, and his chest vibrate whenever he laughed. Joyce was wearing a tight dress and heels as it was a date for both of them, Hopper in jeans and a colourful t-shirt with the top button open. He couldn't help but admire her figure was amazing and although heels weren't her forte she still nailed it.


The film credits were rolling up when Hopper started kissing her passionately, down her neck and across her collarbone. He picked her up and she started giggling, "shall we take this to the bedroom" she said "are you sure Joyce you don't have to do this" of course Officer I've been a naughty girl" Hopper placed her onto the bed and started to undo her dress.

Hopper took off his jeans, her mouth dropped in shock "like what you see" she just drooled. Hopper started placing kisses down her "god hop your killing me baby" it was music to his ears, he started to tease her before entering her slowly at first and she let out moans while he was inside her. Gasping she said "god hop don't stop" with this he started thrusting into her faster it's like her couldn't stop.
"I need you hop" she started shaking and was close a  end, with this hopper stared to slow and pace his thrusts.

The room was full of smoke, and went out for a smoke. "I love you hop" she climbed on him and wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck, it was like he was holding a baby. They finished there smoke in silence.

The next day

The kids were home from the sleepover "how was it" joyce asked "it was great we won and it was awesome!" "awe that's great, glad you enjoyed it". "What were you up to" they asked, hopper smirking at Joyce. "Oh we just um watched some movies and re- relaxed". Will and Jane  started at each other they knew they were lying but they were grown ups so they were happy if they were happy.

They all deiced on playing a board game (snakes and ladders) Joyce rolled the dice and got a six she climbed up the ladder and happily screamed "YES IM FIRST, IN YOU FACES" they rolled their eyes. Next was Will he rolled a two, so not that good but he was happy. Then Jane rolling a 4 which gained a her a ladder, last Hopper which rolled a five which got him a snake which he had to go down, that got him angry "HOW COME IM THE ONLY ONE THAT HAD TO GO DOWN" they were laughing but hiding it the best they could. "It's okay hop, you could still win aww your so adorable when your mad" she kissed him. "I guess".

Joyce won but not far behind Will. She was doing her victory dance and smiling from ear to ear. Hopper well he was not happy at all, but eventually got over it (Kind off). "Awe is hop sad because he didn't win" she said in a baby voice.
"I'll get you next time" he said picking her up and spinning her around whilst she wrapped herself around him.

"Joyce I have to tell you something honey". "Anything" she said. "Joy, I have known you for a long time I've loved you ever since kinder-garden and throughout high school and my whole life, I can't imagine life without you. Even when you got with that douchebag Lonnie, I still hoped we got together. Then I got with Dianne and had Sara then lost her, but you with with me 100% and I thank you for that. And you are a badass fighting Russians, Finding Will, and well everything that happens, when what I think I'm trying to say is "Joyce will you marry me"

"Yes, yes, yes! "Omg hop I love you". "I love you two Joycie".

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