"Insanely talented"

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"Hey pheebs!" Flynn said with a cheerful voice and hugged the girl tightly. Pheobe chuckled as she had no idea about what excited her so much and hugged her back. "Why are you guys so happy this morning?" Pheobe asked the two girls. They squealed and Julie said "pheebs I just sang again today. I think I can get back in the music program. I'll just have to sing to our teacher. Hopefully she'll let me back in"

Pheobe's smile got brighter as she hugged Julie tightly and said "Get going then. I'll catch up with you guys later" "Hey good luck! You have to submit that piece of art today right?" Flynn asked Pheobe and she nodded before mumbling a thanks. She was actually really nervous about it. She drew a picture of Julie. But she didn't show it to anyone yet. The two girls went to leave when Julie turned to wave goodbye to the boys and Flynn gave her a look since she clearly couldn't see the guys. Pheobe stifled a laughter as Julie pretended to wave off flies. "Don't worry we weren't listening!" Reggie said as they left. Pheobe face palmed for the second time today.

"Wait. So you draw?" Luke asked the girl just as she was about to leave. She looked at the boys and nodded shyly. "But you don't sing?" Alex asks the girl which made her think back to the times she and Julie sang together in harmony. Ofcourse the girl could sing. She could sing like an angel. But her parents prioritized her talent of drawing and got her in the drawing program. So she said "No actually. I don't sing" "well that's okay. Not everything is meant for everyone. Can we see your drawing?" Alex asked the girl softly. She didn't know if it was a great idea but she could also use some words on how her drawing was so she nodded a yes before pulling out the file where she kept the drawing. She handed it to Alex and the other boys came forward to see it. She could see their jaw dropped as soon as they saw it. "Pheebs you're insanely talented" Luke breathed out looking at her in surprise. Pheobe blushed under his gaze and quickly let out a thanks as she couldn't look at his beautiful hazel eyes for too long. "Wait so we can call you pheebs now?" Reggie asked the girl with a sheepish smile. She widened her eyes and started stuterring not knowing what to say. "Uh I- um I don't mind I-i guess" the boys gave her bright smiles before returning her file. Then she went to leave but luke pulled her back by her waist and said "if you don't have anything important to do right now could you hang out with us for a few minutes?" And gave her the puppy eyes which she couldn't avoid and also the fact that he was almost hugging the girl couldn't help either. She would've stayed but she was supposed to meet her partner Melody for a new art project. "Sorry luke I actually have to go work on a project right now" she said while staring at the groud. The boy pouted and let her go. She immediately went out on her bicycle that was parked in front of the house. The other two boys watched the whole thing with amusement. But before they could say something to luke about it he poofed out somewhere.

Pheobe frantically ran towards the empty room of her school where she was supposed to meet Melody half an hour ago. As soon as she entered she saw a not very pleasant sight. "Ewwww!" She screamed out and closed her eyes. "Oh shit. Sorry um pheebs this is Nancy. My um not girlfriend so uh makeout mate I guess?" Melody ranted in nervousness. Pheobe opened her eyes and gave the red head a look before extending her hand to the blonde girl named Nancy. She recognized her from the drama club. Nancy gave her an awkward smile before shaking her hand and leaving the two to work.

"Dude you were taking so long. So I called nancy to pass some time. You know that we have been hooking up for almost a month now right?" The redhead told Pheobe. She sighed and said "Melody you have been liking her since last year's Christmas party at her house. Do you really wanna just hookup with her? Don't you wanna be serious? Like in a relationship?" "Well we can't do that pheebs. Then she'll have to breakup with Hunter. And she doesn't want to. So can we just drop it. And also not everyone's so brave like you that they'll risk coming out to the whole school" the redhead snapped at her friend. "Okay jeez calm down. I was just looking out for you cause you're my friend. Besides I didn't even know that I liked girls before I was dared to kiss Flynn infront of the whole school. So not really my fault that everyone knows I'm bi" "let's drop it and start making that stupid portrait of each other okay?" Melody said with a sigh and Pheobe nodded her head though she didn't like the fact that Nancy was just using her friend but they had to get to work.

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