"Unsaid Emily"

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"Hey guys do you mind giving me and luke some privacy?" Pheobe asked Alex and Reggie as she entered the garage after everyone had left. The boys immediately poofed out leaving the two to talk. Luke didn't look up from where he was sitting on the couch. "Luke are you mad at me about something? I don't know what I did for you to ignore me like that" Pheobe said and frowned as she got no answer from the boy. She went and sat beside him taking his hand and giving it a small kiss making the boy blush. "Will you talk to me please?" Pheobe whined and he sighed before saying " I saw you with Hunter and honestly I don't blame you he's a great guy. He's good looking and nice I guess. Most importantly he's alive. So you can be with him. I'll be happy for you guys" he ended the last part with a hint of annoyance. Pheobe looked at him with a surprised look and let out a laugh making the guy confused. "Me and Hunter? Luke no. We're just friends and he's a great friend indeed because he made me realize how I feel for you today" the girl said while blushing. "Ho-how you feel for me?" The boy stuttered. She took a deep breath before looking Luke in the eyes and saying "I'm in love with you Luke". Tears were threatening to spill out of his eyes as he looked at the girl in disbelief. No girl has ever told him that though he dated many girls in highschool. "I-i love you so much pheebs. You have no idea" he let out and lunged forward to hug the girl tightly.

"Wait what?" Pheobe asked Julie to confirm if she heard her right. "You want to go to Luke's parents house and give the song to his mom? What are you crazy? He's gonna be so mad if he finds out besides we are the ones that talked about boundaries with them remember?" Pheobe said as she face palmed. "Look you saw how upset he was. He's gonna feel better when his mom knows how much he regretted walking out on her" Julie said and Pheobe sighed knowing she was right.

"Pheebs? Julie? What are you guys doing here?" Luke asked the two girls as he poofed in at the exact time as the girls reached the door. "We followed you here the other day" Julie said as the girls look down in guilt. "Weren't you the ones who told me about boundaries?" Luke said in an annoyed tone making Pheobe cringe. She quickly held his hand and said "Baby we are doing this so that your mom understands how much you love her and care for her. Please just trust us" he sighed softly before ringing the bell.

As Luke's mom cried out while reading the lyrics luke started singing unsaid Emily softly making Pheobe emotional too. During the last part Luke let out a sob and hugged Pheobe from behind while crying on her neck making the girl cry too. Julie tried to talk to Emily in the midst of crying to explain how fortunate luke was that he found his true calling at such a young age. Before Pheobe could comprehend what happened luke poofed out of the house making Pheobe and Julie think that he was mad at them.

"Luke we're so sorry. We crossed a line and we shouldn't have" Pheobe said and sighed in relief as she saw the boy on the porch of the molina house. Julie excused herself and left them to talk. "No pheebs thanks for doing that. I left because I just couldn't be there I felt suffocated. But I'm happy that they know how I felt" Luke said and grabbed her hands making her smile. But it soon turned into a frown as Luke got a shock and fell into the pillar. "What just happened? Luke? Are you okay?!" The girl yelled out as she helped him stand. "I have to tell you something" he said as he stood up. "The day we went to Caleb's club he wanted us to join his house band for eternity but we said no because we have our own band. Well he wasn't having it so he put a stamp on us that is giving us jolts. The jolts will stop if we join the band or else we cease to exsist. It will destroy us. We have another option which is our unfinished business. If we figure it out then we can cross over" he explained while looking at the ground feeling guilty. "Cross over as in go to heaven?" The girl asked with a shaky voice and he nodded. "Wow. So either way I loose you guys? That is just great" she let out sarcastically as her voice broke at the same time. "Wait pheebs please-" Luke tried to stop the girl but she stormed inside the house.

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