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'I got a spark in me'
'I got a spark in me'

'And you're a part of me'
'And you're a part of me'

looking at the close proximity of their faces made Pheobe almost cry. The look on Luke's face when he looked at Julie was so soft. It made the girl think that he never looked at her that way and it brought back all the insecurities. "The performace was great! Dad found me there but he didn't yell at me for sneaking out. He just told me to involve him more from the next time. He's happy I found the band" Julie let out with a sigh of relief as she entered the room. "Yeah I saw the YouTube video. You guys were amazing" Pheobe said with a smile even though she wasn't in the mood for smiling.

"Julie said what?!" Melody yelled at Pheobe with rage. "Woah calm down okay. It's probably true. I was being selfish okay? She finally got music back in her life. I already have art. I don't need to get everything" Pheobe tried to explain to the red head but she wasn't having it. "No no pheebs you are not an idiot who will oblige to everything she says. Besides all the boys want you in the band and you have always wanted music in your life but couldn't have it because of your parents. But now you're parents are always away. They could care less. I swear to god Pheobe Harrington this is your second chance you can't blow it away!" Melody yelled out as the people on the hallway shushed her. "Okay look fine it's true I want music in my life. But can't it be some other way? I don't want to join the band if Julie doesn't want me to. Cause it's her band. It's called Julie and the phantoms" Pheobe said in a hushed tone. A smile appeared on Melody's face. "Sure there is another way! You can join the music program too. In that way you can go solo too if you want" Melody said with a smirk. "But all the spots are filled up" Pheobe tried to say but Melody had an answer to that too. "Did you forget how Julie got her spot back? You don't ask babygirl you show em" she said with a proud smile making Pheobe nervous. "I can't perform infront of everyone at the pep rally. People will mock me. I'm a student of art" Pheobe said with a sigh. "Just believe in me. Do you have a song prepared?" Melody said while giving her hand a squeeze.

"You brought me to Carrie?" Pheobe said with an annoyed look. "Yup. Carrie has agreed to let you perform in place of dirty candy in today's pep rally" Melody said with a smile as Carrie kept on looking at her phone like she could care less. This made Pheobe surprised. She used to be her friend but she was never the one to give up her spot. "Thanks alot Care. That's really nice of you" Pheobe winced as she realized that she had slipped up the nickname she used to call her by all the time. Carrie looked up and gave a slight smile before saying "I'm only doing this because Melody asked me to. She's been a great friend to me and also because I know you have a great voice. I'm happy that you're finally going to show your talent to everyone"

"Since when are you and Carrie friends again?" Pheobe asked Melody as she stood waiting for the teacher to give her usual lecture and then call her name to perform. "Since I fell in love with her and yes you'll say that's a bad decision but I can't help it okay? So I decided to befriend her by helping her after her performance the other day and we have been hanging out as friends ever since. And I'm okay with it" Melody let out all at once not giving Pheobe a chance to say anything. "There's julie and Flynn. They have no idea that I'll be singing today. Shit what should I do?" Pheobe asked Melody in a panicked tone. "All you need to do is not give a fuck to someone who doesn't care about your choices and flirts with the guy you like on stage and give them one hell of a performance" the red head told her friend and within a few minutes the teacher asked pheobe to step on the stage to give her performance. She saw as Julie and Flynn started whispering to each other as she sat in front of the piano.

Seems like a part of me will always have to loose
Every single time I have to choose
Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?
Is this where I'm supposed to be at all
I don't have the answers not today
It's like nothing makes the questions go away
What I'd give to see if the grass was greener

On the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough or would I still be wondering

It's like the music was glowing out of her body. She felt the music and she could care less about anything else. She didn't care about Julie's or Flynn's stares or the whispers of her fellow students of the art program. She didn't even realize that at one point the boys had poofed in the audience.

Would it be enough?
Or would I still be wondering.

She finished the last lines of the song she had written when she was 14 and her parents forced her into the art program. She opened her eyes and she couldn't believe that everyone including her old friend Carrie was cheering for her louder than ever. This made the girl tear up a little but she had the brightest smile on her face. "Give it up for our new student of the music program, Pheobe Harrington!" Ms. Harrison let out making the girl's smile wider. She was in the music program. Her dream was coming true. Music. That's her true calling.

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