Chapter one

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          After a long day Regina sits down at the back of Granny's. She didn't understand how she could've been so wrong. She thought she would've won. Especially after knowing that the fire was a set up. After giving Emma the badge, she sat down. She watched as Henry laughed with Emma. That use to be her. Henry use to laugh and talk to her for hours. He never saw her as the evil queen. He had saw her as his mother. Those memories she missed. She had to find a way to get rid of Emma and keep her son.
          "Sorry you lost mom" Raven said as she sat down across Regina. "I know how much you wanted to win" she added. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll get them next time" Regina said to her 16 year old daughter. "Can I help this time? These kinds of things use to be our bonding moments" Raven said with a smile. "Raven, I don't want you to end up Be better than I am" Regina said. "You're so much more than what you think. Own it" Regina said to her daughter. "I'll try" Raven said with a smile. Raven then turned to see her best friend. "Oh, Nia's here! I'm going to go say hi" Raven said happily as she stood up. "Okay. Say hi for me" Regina said with a smile.
          Ruby came around and set a glass of whiskey on Regina's table. Regina nodded and took a sip. Even though this was a celebration for Emma winning, Ruby still needed to work. But that first sip of whiskey was all Regina needed. She immediately felt better. She lost Graham and now she had lost the debate. She refused to lose anything else to Emma. Her deep thoughts was interrupted by a deep British accent. "This is new" the man said, leaning against the wall with a glass of whiskey. Regina turned her head to him immediately. "Excuse me?" she said. "The mayor drowning her lost in whiskey. It's not something you see everyday" the man said. "I don't lose. The battle isn't over yet" Regina said. "Relax. I'm just messing with you" the man said. He walked over and sat across from her. Regina looked at him with a confused look. "I don't remember asking you to sit down" Regina said. "That's because I didn't wait for you to ask" the man said. Regina paused for a moment. She looked the man up and down. He couldn't be more than 5'9. At least that's what he looked like from what she saw. She also saw he liked to dress casual. Wearing blue jeans and a green polo wasn't something she saw as dressed up. So he wasn't someone with power. She also didn't recognize him so she had no idea who he was. "I'm sorry, how are you again?" Regina asked him. "Robin Locksley at your service" Robin said with a smile. "Like the thief?" Regina asked him with a smirk. "Something like that" Robin said with a smirk.


          Raven turned to look at her mother. She wanted to see how she was doing. She was surprised to see her talking to someone. To a guy. She didn't recognize the guy. Not at all. "Do you know who that is?" Raven asked Nia. "No, but respect to your mom. He's not bad looking" Nia said. "Ew! I don't want to think about what my mom does with her men" Raven said disgustedly. "I'll stop. Give me ten minutes and I'll see what I can find out about him" Nia said. Raven nodded and walked over to the bar. It wasn't an exact bar because it was at Granny's.
          Anytime there was a party, it was a Granny's. Anytime there was a celebration of some kind, it was at Granny's. Anytime someone needed a drink or a good meal, they went to Granny's. Just like the after party for the new sheriff was at Granny's. "Now that operation cobra is back on we need to find a way to keep my mom busy. You're sheriff. She'll be keeping a closer eye on us now" Henry said. "Henry I doubt that she would spend all her time watching me" Emma said. "But she would stop at nothing to destroy you. I have a plan" Henry started. His voice faded as soon as Raven walked up to them. Raven looked between the both of them with a sigh. "Look, I just came to congratulate Emma" Raven said. "Aren't you on moms side?" Henry asked her. "Henry I told you. There is no sides. I know you think mom is so evil queen but all she does is love you. You treat her terribly all because of some book" Raven said. "I know you don't believe but mom is evil" Henry said. "I never said I didn't believe. All I said was mom isn't evil" Raven said. "So you believe?!" Henry asked Raven excitedly. "Sure, Henry" Raven chuckled. Raven loved her bother Henry. Even though he was adopted she never treated him differently. But he was annoying as hell calling their mom evil. Raven knew all too well about Regina's past. But she never saw her evil. She always stood by her mother. Raven could be the sweetest person and she could also be the meanest bitch in the world.
          "Well thank you for the congratulation. We were just talking about operation cobra" Emma said. Emma didn't think Raven was bad. After all ever since Emma came to town Raven has been really open to Henry spending time with her. She even covered for them a few times. "I didn't think Henry wanted me to be in operation cobra" Raven said. "Of course I do! You're my sister" Henry said. "But you're always so secretive when I come around. You just quiet down when I came over" Raven pointed out. "I ad,it it's hard to know when you're on my side and when you're on mom's. But I guess I should stop keep secrets from you" Henry said. "Henry it's okay. You don't have to tell me everything. I just have a question for Emma. Who's that guy talking to my mom?" Raven asked her. "What guy?" Emma asked her as she turned to Regina. Whom, for the first time since Emma got to Storybrooke, was having a good time. "Oh you mean Robin? He works part time at the station. He mostly work fields. At least he did when Graham was working there. I didn't even think people talked to your mom" Emma said. "Well she isn't the devil" Raven said defensively. "No but she is scary" Emma said. Raven rolled her eyes and turned to Emma. "Aside from being a cop, what else do you know about him?" Raven asked her.
          Meanwhile, Regina was weirdly enjoying talking to Robin. "I'm sorry to cut this short but it's getting late and I need to get my kids home" Regina said. She stood up and paid for her drink. She walked over to the bar. "Raven, Henry, let's go" she said. With that, the Mills left Granny's and went home. Even though Henry never got the chance to tell Emma his plan, he gotten a new one in his mind. All he needed to do was find the answer. He knew exactly where to look.


Emma walked into the sheriff station with a small hangover. "Too many drinks last night, sheriff?" Robin asked her with a chuckle. "Not after this Advil kicks in" Emma replied. She sat down and sipped her coffee. "So I saw you talking to Regina last night" Emma started. "Yeah?" Robin replied. "Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. She's not who you think she is" Emma said. "I know she's not the kindest person in the world, but she isn't that bad" Robin said. "Tell that to Henry" Emma said. "I heard that he thinks she's some evil queen" Robin said. Robin had heard stories of the mayor but from what he gathered last night she wasn't evil. "It's only because of this book he has. He thinks everyone here is a fairytale character" Emma explained. "You don't?" Robin asked her. "Of course not. But it's the only way to get through to him..he's depressed. At first I thought it was because he didn't have any friends. That he didn't have any hope but now I see that it's more than that. It's Regina" Emma said. "Are you trying to say she's a bad mom?" Robin asked her. "From what I seen since I've been in this town, she's not a bad mom. She's strict. But she would do anything for them. Any parent would" Robin said. "She's not a bad mom. Well she is but not to Raven. To Henry. And she's a bad person. No one in this town see what I see. She's has no heart" Emma reasoned. "Look I only ever met her yesterday. And I don't want to get in the middle of whatever you two have going on. I appreciate you looking out for me Emma. But I think I can handle Regina" Robin said.
          Regina was far from perfect. Everyone in Storybrooke saw that but if he was being honest, that's the only reason why he wanted to talk to her in the first place. Ever since this war between Emma and Regina had started, there has been gossip about Regina. Everyone knew that she always got her way. But when Emma started to stand up to her, everyone seemed shocked. He wanted to get to know the bold and terrible mayor himself. Robin and Emma had gotten quite close ever since Graham passed. They've been great friends and Robin supported Emma spending time with Regina. The only thing he didn't like was she had to do it behind Regina's back. That's where he saw both sides of the mother's. That's why he didn't want to get in the middle of it. It was something they needed to figure out.
"I can agree to keep you out of it" Emma said. "Thank you" Robin said. "I do need to ask you something though. Henry wants to talk to you. I don't know if it's because he's planning something or because he saw you talking to Regina last night, but he wants to talk to you after school" Emma said. "For some reason that scares me" Robin laughed. "At least its wasn't Raven" Emma said playfully. Which got Robin to chuckle softly. Raven does seemed like the more protective child.

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