Birthday {Bonus Chapter}

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"Good morning, baby girl" my boyfriend smiles as soon as I open my eyes

"Good morning to you too" I smile back rolling over so now I'm facing the roof instead of Niall's hairy chest. I lazily yawn stretching myself out and look at the clock on the bedside table next to me. 11:06AM. Thank God, it's Saturday! Wait? Saturday? Oh my-

"Someone's birthday is today, right?" Niall  and kisses my cheek

"Umm I don't know what you're talking about..." I try to hide my wide smile throwing my head down

"Um, let me see if you know this girl, yeah?" He brings me closer to his half naked body "She's witty and funny and always good to everyone and she's beautiful. So beautiful! But unfortunately she doesn't even know it! And she has so many talents as well! She's good at sports, she is a hard worker, she has academic degrees not to mention what she can do with her mouth" he winks and I blush hitting his arm playfully "What? Isn't that true?" he winks once again "However" he raises a bit his voice "she's a little nagger who likes to make her boyfriend feel frustrated sometimes but you know what? She's irresistible and my favorite girl in the world!" he finishes his long monologue and I'm already hugging him tightly kissing lightly his bare shoulder.

"Maybe her boyfriend also nags most of the time, don't you think?" I try to defend myself

"Maybe." He giggles and cups my face in his hands "Happy birthday, princess. I love you so so so much" he looks at me in the eyes caressing my hand

"Thank you, baby. I love you so so so much too" I tell him sincerely and he gives me a soft peck on my lips. He looks at me again

"I want you happy and healthy because you deserve everything of this world, my love" he kisses me once more but now it's a real kiss. By the time our lips collide together, his hands move to my sides laying me on the green mattress of our bed while my fingers are running all over his messy hair. Our lips move together in synchronization for a while until his tongue touches my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in without hesitation and we continue to French kiss until we both ran out of breath. Just before we pull away he playfully bites my lip making me gasp.

"You like that don't you?" he laughs slightly

"Perhaps" I smirk and he rolls to his side but our bodies are still touching "I have to get up" I groan sitting up

"But you don't want to because your too good-looking boyfriend is in your bed" he looks up at me, a smile forming on his mouth

"Too good-looking boyfriend?" I raise an eyebrow "I doubt that" I tease

"Oh but he is, isn't he?" he flexes his biceps

"Theo James could definitely beat him" I reply 

"But would Theo James kiss you like he does?" He knows how addicted I am to his kisses. I tell him that like all the time and he tends to use it against me at moments of teasing. Just like now.

"Umm... I'm sure he would kiss me better" I pull my tongue out

"I don't think so. I know you love this tongue" he says pulling his tongue out as well and I burst out laughing

"Why are you always thinking about that?" I roll my eyes

"I didn't mention anything about that. You are the dirty-minded one here" he smirks

"Whatever" I get out of the bed but he grabs my wrist

"Kiss, kiss, kiss" he demands

"Although Theo James would be my ideal boyfriend to make out with, I will compromise with you" I peck him and I can feel him smiling

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