You find out and you tell him you're expecting

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~not edited~

You have been feeling sick for days. However, you didn't know what the cause was. You had called Eleanor to come over so you two could catch up. Niall's was out for some errands. As soon as you you hear the doorbell ringing, you run to the door and you welcome your friend with a warm embrace.

"How are you, sweetie?" you ask her

"Just great. Louis and I are planning a short vacation in France so I'm a little bit busy" she smiles

"Woooow!!!That's awesome" I happily answer as we both walk to the living room

"What about you?How are you?" she sits on the couch

"Not really good, actually. I've been having awful headaches lately and I can barely eat because my stomach hurts like all the time" I reply as I sit next to her

''Oh how come?Have you visited your doctor?'' she asked concerned

"I don't know what's wrong and no, I haven't visited my doctor. I guess it's just the flu. Anyways, do you want something to drink?'' I had thought of seeing my doctor but it's not really necessary, I suppose.

"No, I just had Starbucks. Thanks though.'' she gives me a small smile and it's a short pause but then she finally speaks up.

''(Y/N), have you thought that you could be pregnant?! I mean all the symptoms you have are familiar with the pregnancy ones" And then, it all clicked in your head. You were late but you hadn't even realized it.

"Oh my God'' you say when realization hits you. "What will I do? How ill I tell Niall? I've been late for 2 months!! Oh my God!" you are definitely freaked out right now. You don't know how Niall will react or whether he's ready to have a baby right now. 

''Hey, hey, hey!!(Y/N), calm down. First of all, we have to make sure so I will go out to buy a pregnancy test. Please, calm down, okay?" she kisses your cheek as she makes her way to the door and leaves the house.

~4 hours later~

Eleanor had brought the test hours ago and while she was still there you found out that you're pregnant. The test was positive. You really panicked finding out that you're gonna have baby in 9 months but what scared you the most was Niall's reaction. You didn't know whether he will be mad, sad or happy. You and Niall had been married for 4 months by now. You talked to Eleanor about your doubts but she assured you that everything will turn out just right. Now, you were waiting for Niall to return home. After a few minutes you hear the key on the door and you immediately get up from the couch.

''Hey, baby?'' he says as he approaches you and leans in for a kiss putting his hands around my waist. His lips were cold due to the rain outside but you enjoyed how they moved in sync with yours. You felt more relaxed now.

 "I need to tell you something" you break the contact and he gives you a questioning look "Just so you know, it was a surprise for me and it was totally unexpected'' you start and you see his expression changes. He's worried, I can see it in his bkue eyes

''Oh, is it serious?'' he asks carefully

''Yeah, I suppose." I reply. "Niall, I'm pregnant" I tell him. I've always liked to say things like that. Just drop the bomb and see what happens. His expression is priceless. He's mouth is wide open and he tries to process what I told him. I should have made him sit down at first. He looks like he's gonna faint "Say something, please" I beg him but he still stares at me like I'm an alien. "Look, I understand that this caught you off guard and maybe you are not ready but-'' he interrupts me with a kiss.

"OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS!!" he pulls away and almost screams "OH MY GOOOOOD'' he laughs as he picks me up and pins me around. I let out a sigh of relief and eventually smile. It feels so good to know that he wants a baby just as much as I do.

''Oh, did I hurt you?'' he puts me down and asks worried

''Not at all. I loved the hug'' I say and embrace him again

''I'm so damn happy!!" he tightens his grip "I love you so much (Y/N)'' he whispers in my ear

"I love you too, Ni" I whisper back 

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