Late night

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"You know sometimes I just can't believe how fast the time passes so fast! I remember the first day I went to high schoo I was so nervous! It was like yestersday and look at where I am now! I'm about to finish college and find a job! It makes me sad" I say realizing that almost 8 years went by quickly without even comprehending it

"Just how fast the night changes" Niall sings giggling and I chuckle at his comment

"Don't you ever feel you're old?" I ask curiously ignoring his singing although it was too angelic. "I always feel like everything happens so fast that one day I will wake up at the age of 70 or somethign and honestly, I will be absolutely terrified

"Baby, you've done so much with your life! How can you say that? In a month you're graduating college and you already have 4 interviews for work, not to mention that your CV is utterly able to put you in NASA's offices or something" he says rubbing small circles on my back.

"I'm not that skilled!" I protest "Plus, I suck at physics!" I say earning a chuckle form him

"I used NASA as an example!" he laughs "But seriosuly, you can do anyhting you want! You have the highest grades and you know how to speak 4 different languages!"

"I do but there are more skilled people out there. Anyway, it's kind of too late too think about this kind of stuff" I curl up in his chest wanting this coneversation to stop. It really makes me anxious about my future.

We are currently in our bedroom cuddling on our bed. Niall is the bog spoon while I am the little. It's a Saturday night which means we both have the day off tomorrow so we too the chance to stay up late and talk. Around 9 o'clock, we started watching movies but we eventually got bored and started talking. It's 4AM now and we aren't even sleepy. Maybe the coffee we had around 7PM has to do with our insomniac night.

"You know, I see your point" he speaks up after a couple of minutes and I stay silent waiting for him to continue because I don't know what he is talking baout "I'm afraid, well let me correct that, I'm horrified of the future as well. I hate growing up and I'm afraid of growing older and older each year but during these years, I've learnt many things and I've gained experience. I think growing up is good and necessary but we all are scared of it" he finishes his monologue and I lay on my side to face him. He had a fair point here and truth be told, I feel like a weight got lifted off of my shoulders. He really did make me feel better about the whole thing.

"It's an evitable to grow at the end" I weakly smile running my fingers through his hair and I worship his handsome face. He looked good even with drak circles under his eyes

"It is so please baby girl, don't be sad about it. I will be here growing older and older with you" he presses his body agains mine and wraps his arm around me protectively

"Will you?" I whisper both wanting to hear me and not wanting to hear me

"What do you mean 'will you'?" he brings his hands to my face and he makes me look at him "I will be with you as long as you want me" he looks staright into my eyes and I get butterflies on my stomach. After 3 years of dating him he still has the same effect on him since the first day I met him.

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