He drives you home

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"Hi, beautiful" Niall smiles at me warmly as I approach him. I had just finished my swimming practice and he had planned to give me a ride home.

"Hello to you too" I kiss his cheek and his hands travel to my waist bringing me in a tight hug.

"How was practice, baby?" he asks as he pulls away but his hands never leaving me.

"Good. Just a little bit tiring" I softly sigh and he nods half smiling at me.

"We should get going, shouldn't we?" he says removing his hands off of my body and moves to the other side of the car.

"What are you doing?" I ask him amused

"What does it look like?" he smiles and opens the door and nods for me to get in the car.

"What a gentleman" I climb in the car smiling like an idiot

"Doubt it, love?" he smirks and closes the door. He makes his way to the other side of the car, he gets in and starts the engine.

"So, everything is good? How was your day?" I speak up

"It was good. I ran some errands in the morning, got back home, talked to Zayn and then I had to pick you up" he says as he puts his right hand on my knee. He always does that. He likes to show affection even when he drives. "What about you, baby?" he caresses the part of my body that his hand is resting on.

"You know. Nothing much. I had classes in the morning but thankfully they started after 9, I had lunch with (Y/F/N) and then practice." I put my hand on his and he gives me a shy smile

"I see. Well, what do you want to do on Saturday night? Zayn called and suggested we hang out with him and Perrie. What do you think?" he asks, his eyes never leaving the road since the traffic is quite heavy. He actually looks really concentrated but his hand still holds mine.

"Sounds nice. Did he tell you what we will be doing?" I wonder unzipping my jacket. He has probably turned the heat on because it's pretty hot in here.

"Probably watch a movie or have dinner. I don't know. I will ask him but you could also talk to Perrie. You girls have good ideas" he replies as he makes turns

"I will call her" I laugh shaking my head

"Why are you laughing princess?" he shoots me a wide smile

"Oh nothing. It just amazes me how both you and Zayn are so lazy to even think of something proper to do with us." I pinch a little his hand

"Hey!! We're not lazy" he protests "We are just willing to do anything you have in mind." he stops for a moment and I raise my eyebrows "Well, yeah we may be a little bit lazy but we always do stuff with you, right?" he admits, a smirk forming on his lips

"Yeah like the other time when we were supposed to cook TOGETHER and you boys sat in the living room drinking beers." I stare at him with a disapproving look and he turns to face me for just a second and he laughs.

"Okay, okay. But at least we spend time together" his fingers intertwine with mine.

"Yeah" I say and silence fell between the two of us. It's not an awkward silence, though. It is the kind of silence that you like to share with people you know. It's like everything you have to say has already been said and now you just stay to enjoy the presence of the person you are with. As minutes pass, I can't help but notice the way Niall drives. Not that he had never driven me home before but now I notice that odd yet kind of hot way he drives. He holds the steering wheel only with his left hand while his other rests either on my knee or around my shoulders. It's really sweet of him.

"You know, this isn't very careful of you" he stops at a traffic light and turns to me

"What?" he gives me a puzzled look

"You should drive with both hands. My dad always tells me so. You minimize the chances of an accident." I reply and he smiles at me genuinely

"Oh come on! What can happen in London with such traffic?? We can barely move." he defends and I nod even though he can't see it

"Princess, seriously don't be so worried, it's okay." he squeezes my hand

"I know, I know. You're right this time" I squeeze back realizing we are a few houses away from mine. Woah, time passes really fast when I am with Niall.

"Don't worry, baby" he moves my hand to his mouth and leaves a light kiss on it

"We're home" he says excitedly

"You mean at MY home" I correct him hiding my smile

"Whatever" he unlocks my hands so that he can move the car with more ease in the confined area and a few minutes later he stops the car right in front of the door of the building my apartment is.

"I will call you later, yeah?" Niall states

"Wait, won't you be coming upstairs with me?" I ask sadly

"I'm sorry, love. I need to go out with Zayn. He needs some help with buying stuff and he asked me to go shopping with him." he says as he moves closer to me so now his face is inches away from mine.

"It's okay." I smile at him and peck his lips

"Maybe I could pass by on my way home?" he hopefully proposes and I nod with a grin. "So see you later" I turn to open the door but he grabs my wrist and pushes me slightly against him

"Where do you think you're going, uh?" he frowns "I don't get a goodbye kiss?" he makes a puppy face and pulls me in for a long kiss.

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