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— Chapter Thirteen —

Warmth and comfort. Donghyuck awoke with those words in mind as they filled his whole being. Keeping his eyes closed, he slightly stretched his body, sprawling it out further over a pillow that was someone's chest. A small smile showed on Donghyuck's lips as he turned his head, snuggling his nose into that somebody's chest.

A homely, familiar scent of deodorant paired with sweat and Mark's very personal scent flooded Donghyuck's nostrils. He now decided in his sleepy mind that this was probably his favourite scent on earth.

With their legs entangled, Donghyuck's whole body was draped over Mark's, using his chest as a pillow. And god, it was Donghyuck's favourite one. He could stay like this forever, just enjoying their skinship that he had so long been denied.

Mark was still fast asleep, his soft snores filling the quiet. Donghyuck didn't want to wake him up, but did however feel the need to pee. He opened his eyes, the brightness of the sun rays blending him for a few seconds. He blinked, adjusting his eyes to the light before gently trying to raise himself up. His muscles protested, aching but Donghyuck managed to get up for a few seconds before strong arms pulled him back down.

"Stay!" Mark's deep voice sounded through the room. Fuck, it was so attractive and Donghyuck wasn't even surprised anymore at the goosebumps showing on his skin as Mark held him down. He might not look like it but Mark had a lot of strength in his body, the many years of dancing and working out doing the job for him. Donghyuck however really needed to pee so he turned his head to look down at Mark. The latter still had his eyes closed, hair messily spread over the actual pillow. His face didn't move, only Mark's chest did. Donghyuck could feel it under his body.

"I'll be right back, I promise." he whispered and Mark loosened his grip. Donghyuck to that as a permission to try once again. This time Mark didn't resist, his arms falling on his chest as Donghyuck escaped the comfortable warmth of the blanket. He hissed as his bare feet touched the cold floor, however he quickly exited the room, leaving Mark behind. The latter had probably fallen asleep again anyway.

It must be early in the morning, Donghyuck thought. The whole dorm was completely silent, not one noise escaping from any of the rooms. If someone else was awake, they didn't bother to exit their room like Donghyuck had just done.

The man rushed to the bathroom that was right next to his bedroom. He shared it with Renjun and Jaemin but both of them were very tidy so the bathroom looked almost out of a magazine. The only mess being made was by Donghyuck himself as he groggily locked the door and accidentally knocked over a bottle of lotion from the shelf. He caught though and swiftly placed it back before relieving himself and then washing his hands. He wanted to get back to Mark as quickly as possible.

He rubbed his eyes and checked his face in the mirror. On his cheek, an imprint from Mark's shirt was displayed with red stripes. Donghyuck chuckled to himself because it looked like he had just gotten beaten up. He quickly brushed his teeth and while doing so, the red stripes slowly disappeared until completely gone. Now, with fresh breath and emptied bladder, the man wanted nothing more than to get another few hours of sleep.

When he got back, Mark indeed was asleep again. His mouth had fallen open just a little bit and Donghyuck giggled at the soft image. He sneaked back under the blanket and Mark's arms welcomed him, clinging onto Donghyuck even though he was asleep.

"So cute, hyung." Donghyuck cooed and rested his head back on Mark's chest to hear the man's steady heartbeat. The younger man let his cold hand travel under Mark's shirt, pushing up the fabric a little until he could feel the heartbeat against the palm of his hand. It was a beautiful assurance that Mark was actually there with him, actually laid in his bed fast asleep and that he would stay for as long as Donghyuck didn't wake him up.

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