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— Chapter Twenty Eight —

"Where were you two?" their manager asked.

Both Donghyuck and Mark didn't know how to answer the question they had been questioned so frequently. The more time passed the harder it was to explain their disappearances from practices, schedules or recordings.

It wasn't just sex, oh no. It was more of small stolen kisses, of subtle cuddles, of sweet words, sometimes filled with filth, of two young men being in love. Neither Mark nor Donghyuck could deny one another and it showed. And it made their life way more troublesome.

"We were just getting some drinks, manager-nim." Mark saved himself and Donghyuck from another scolding. Their manager knew them well, Donghyuck guessed that the man could easily tell Mark was lying, partly because he had known Mark for so long and partly because Mark was just a horrible liar in general. Still the manager let them go but not without telling them to hurry more next time.

"That was close." Mark said after a long exhale. Donghyuck could feel the man's body relaxing and he chuckled lightly, turning to his boyfriend.

"Close? I'm pretty sure he knew you were lying but just didn't want to scold us again." he noted and Mark knitted his eyebrows. "You think?" he asked and Donghyuck nodded. He was certain that by now their frequent disappearance raised not only eyebrows but also suspicions. Donghyuck didn't really know how to deal with that because on one hand he loved the little game of secrecy they were playing but on the other side it was just as dangerous as it was fun and Donghyuck just wanted to come clean to the people they were close to, most specifically their members.

While he was pretty sure of himself, Mark wasn't. Whenever Donghyuck brought it up, Mark avoided the topic, changing it as fast as he could. As much as Donghyuck liked him, he couldn't really stand that.

"You know, we could just tell them." he proposed once more as they went back to the practice room which they had escaped from in a small break to make out in a small bathroom stall, only coming out when their manager had come in and called out their names because they were needed for practice.

"But what if they'll kick us out of NCT." Mark whispered. Donghyuck raised his eyebrows. That's what Mark was scared of? That's why he was avoiding the topic. Donghyuck sighed deeply, wrapping his arm around Mark's waist to pull him closer as he said "We're in two of NCT's fixed units, we're two of the most popular members, we're the most popular ship out of all of NCT and you think they'll kick us out?"

"You heard what they said when the sasaeng sent the pictures to Dispatch. It could lead to a determination of our contract if we're exposed."

Mark seemed serious and it broke Donghyuck's heart to think that he was worrying so much. Mark had always been a thinker and now Donghyuck felt stupid for getting irritated whenever Mark would avoid the topic of outing their relationship. Yet he still wanted to though, it had been weeks, months even and he just wanted to be able to kiss Mark whenever the man would step through the door of their dorm or helplessly ask Jaemin for help in the kitchen and such. It was such an adorable sight and Mark deserved all the affection that Donghyuck could possibly give him. And now that he didn't reject Donghyuck anymore it felt so much better to cuddle close to the man.

"Mark." Donghyuck started, "I'm not saying we have to go public with our relationship. Absolutely not, I don't want that, you don't want that, nobody wants that. What I want is to be able to be with you without having to be scared that a member will catch us kissing or that Taeyong or Yuta scolds you again for getting late to the dorms."

"You like me that much?" Mark asked, tone jokingly but his unsure voice exposed how anxious Mark was. Donghyuck could have slapped him right across the face because god damn, Mark was incredibly oblivious.

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