Chapter 29

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The Next Day...

I will admit it felt strange to meet with Ashton. Even if he was the sweetest person on earth. I plan out the meet up in my head. Knowing things like such may or may not happen. I was in the second to last period of the day, tapping my fingernails against the desk. Quietly so no one would hear. I stare at the clock, getting bored of the lesson the teacher was lecturing about. The clock eventually gets boring too. There's still 20 min left of class. Sadly I have a lot of homework today, so after Ashton drops me off I have to get a bunch done.

I look around the room, scanning the people I despise or the people I barely acknowledge. Since I was in chemistry, Calum being my lab partner, was also bored. We finished the lab last week, so now we're just learning about all this weird gas stuff. I look at Calum who's trying to twirl his pen with only one hand. I giggle, covering my mouth so no one would hear, as he drops it loudly making a funny face. He notices my scrunched up expression as I'm laughing and his cheeks blush a little, he also shoots me a mean glare. Which makes me laugh even more.

"Miss. Carter, Mr. Hood? Is there something funny going on back there?" Mrs. Caddy says sharply, followed by looks from other people in the class.

"No nothing at all" I clear my throat, hiding my smile.

"Then please pay attention" she says flatly as she turns back to the board.

I catch on to what we're learning, and quickly scribble down whatever she has on the board, into my notebook. As does Calum. The bell finally rings, and we gather our things. I pull my bag onto my shoulder and walk out with Cal.

"Thanks for getting me in trouble" he mumbles.

"Sorry" I laugh, nudging him, causing him to smile. "I'll see you later!" I call, running over to Michael and Luke who are ready to head into last period.


After waving to the boys good bye as they got onto the bus, I text Ashton so he could pick me up. I give him the school directions, and tell him I'll be waiting outside the school. I immediately get a response.

Ashton: okay be there in like less then 10 min.

Me: alright

I sit down on one of the benches covered by a tree, on the school lawn. I don't know how I always find a bench to sit on in places. I look through the things that made my phone vibrate throughout the day. I see Luke has posted some new covers, which I decide to watch as I wait for Ash. I smile as he sings with such passion and intensity. He's a really good singer, I wish he got more recognition. Although he told me how some people complimented him in the halls. Which made me happy.

Just as the thought fades from my mind, a quick honk sounds in front of me. I look up and see Ashton with his window rolled down waving to me. I wave back, picking up my things and putting my phone away. I walk over to his car, which is just a simple small, silver car. Which has been nicely cleaned, and smells pretty good in the inside.

"Hey" he smiles brightly, pulling away from the curb as I chuck my stuff at the back of his car.

"Hi" I say, looking out at the window.

To prevent from getting things to awkwardly quiet he turns up the radio. Settle Down by The 1975 plays from the speakers. He plays it a little louder than necessary, which I don't mind, I love this song. I sing loudly and purposely horrible. Screaming out the lyrics as he giggles and joins in. That giggle. The most cutest giggle I've ever heard. We get weird looks from the drivers around us, but we didn't seem to care. We jump around in his car, laughing so hard I could barely sing.

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