Chapter 1

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Thanks if you enjoyed the prologue, hope you like my story!

Julie's POV

I boarded the plane and started looking for my seat, mouthing to myself the seat number and letter. Once I found it, I was thankful that I got the window seat. Praise! I put my duffle in the compartment above the seat. Since the airport already took my luggage. I took out my phone, my laptop, and the current book I'm reading to keep me busy for the long flight to Australia. I finally got my self settled in my seat and put some earphones in while I looked out the window.

A few moments later the person who's suppose to be sitting next to me showed up. He had a really long dark blonde fringe and gorgeous green eyes. I tried to make out some features without it being called staring. I took one earphone out, just in case he would try and talk to me, without me ignoring him.

Once he sat down he also pulled out a laptop, and...a DS? I never thought a guy like him would be into the Nintendo kind of gaming, not judging though. I wasn't really one to introduce myself to people, but since we'll be sitting with each other for the next gazillion hours I thought it was only necessary. I tucked a piece of my dark brown hair dyed ombré at the end behind my ear, since it had fallen out of my ponytail.

"Hi, I'm Julie" I said slowly facing him. That's when I noticed he had headphones in as well. Well that's embarrassing...I was talking to no one. Once he noticed I was looking at him, he took his headphones off. "Sorry did you say something?" He had a thick Australian accent, and spoke softly. I looked at his dark ripped skinny jeans as well as his oversized sweatshirt that he put over his hands. 'Interesting' I thought.

"Oh! Yeah sorry for bothering you, I- I just wanted to, um introduce myself that's all. Not really good at it. I'm Julie by the way" I blabbered on. He just chuckled slightly and put his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Michael, I'm not good at meeting new people either. Glad you did though" he smiled, it seemed like it was a fake smile. Couldn't really tell.

"Nice to meet you Michael" I shook his hand quickly. "So what were you doing in America, it seems like your an Aussie" I looked out the window, trying to hold conversation for a person as anti-social as me.

"Ummm...vacation" he responded. "What about you?"

"I live here actually, I'm moving to Australia by myself, well not by myself I'm moving in with my uncle there." I spoke trying to hide my anxiety about embarrassing myself in front of this person.

Michael's POV

I was trying to hold this conversation for as short as possible. I don't really like talking to people I'm not fond of. And I'm surprised we're actually talking to each other. People this young, don't really old conversation like adults. I wasn't trying to be rude I was simply just responding that best way I could. Girls don't usually approach me as such. But this one seemed to find me interesting, not in the flirty way though, in the friendly way.

"I live here actually, I'm moving to Australia by myself, well not by myself I'm moving in with my uncle there." She shakily said.
"Cool" again, I just simply answered. From there we finally just minded our own business. I know she was just trying to be nice, but I just wanted to play video games and do my own stuff right now.

Julie's POV

After that little intro between the two of us I put my headphones back in listening to 'I Miss You' by Blink 182 one of my favorite songs. I look out the window as we're taking off. Once we're above the clouds the sight was breath taking. I took a picture with my phone and put it on Twitter.
@Julieeee00: Australia here I come! Pic/twit2947273.ajdjfwk

Just to make it clear I just made up Julie's Twitter username off the top of my head so if that's anyone's user. I'm sorry. Well, you met Michael! He'll be later in the story of course. I just wanted to put one of them in as soon as possible.

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