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"So you want me in your house tomorrow?" Sophie asked Oralie through the imparter.

"Yes, if that's alright with you." Oralie replied in her silky voice.

"How long does it take to finish the maze?" Sophie asked.

"I know you really, really want to save your friend, but what you're risking is your life. Remember, this cache holds many secrets, so, even with our history of forever peace, many elves have tried to do so, to find the cache, yet they didn't know Kenric himself had the cache." Oralie sounded sad, like she was crying, almost.

No Councillor could be married or have kids, and none of the twelve did, currently, but many elves suspected Oralie and Kenric were in love, but the always denied it. Now that Kenric was dead, she knew how difficult it was for Oralie, because she, too, got taken away from her loved ones. Only except that Sophie's human parents hadn't died.

"We still need the permission from the other Councilors, Sophie. But I promise I will do everything I can to help you. I suspect the other Councillors will let me, since he was the one who left his will to me. We were close." Oralie finished, her pink cheeks turning a slight bit pinker.

"But, Councillor Oralie, we don't have that much time. We only have 48 hours, now only 45, so we can't waste any time." Sophie said.

"I hope you hear what you're saying, Sophie. You're willing to give up a very important artifact of some sort for your friend." Oralie said.

"Yes," Sophie confirmed. "Please, Oralie, this is right. I know it."

Oralie sighed. "Kenric would have been very proud of you." A tear slid down her cheek.

"I hope so," Sophie said.

"See you in three hours," Oralie told Sophie.

They nodded goodbyes, and after that, Sophie went to prepare.

We will win was the last thing Sophie said in her mind before she put her imparter away.

It was time.

"On average, it takes about 5 hours before people give up in the maze." Oralie said quietly with her fragile voice.

"What do you mean "before people give up?" Sophie asked.

"Sophie, if everyone could get through the maze, wouldn't everyone try to get it? It holds the secrets to the world, but the information is too dangerous to keep in a single elf's mind. That's why we kept the secrets inside that cache. Yet many foolish people believe no information is too much information. Elves think very differently- and that's why I'm warning you, Sophie- if the Neverseen get their hands on this cache, and if they open it up, there are no words to describe what utter chaos will erupt in the Lost Cities." Oralie warned.

"Oralie, I know what risks I'm taking. If I die, I die. But I don't want to die knowing I couldn't at least try to save Fitz. And, who knows, maybe we'll be able to steal the cache back after we find Fitz? I just can't just sit here while my friend's life is in danger, feeling helpless that I couldn't do anything about it. Oralie, please, you have to understand." Sophie begged.

Oralie sighed,"With your courage, there is no doubt that you won't be able to get through this maze," Oralie said while nodding her chin towards the humongous gold doors of the maze.

"Why'd you guys create the maze? Couldn't you guys just put a barrier and protect it or something?"

Oralie smiled grimly. "That's something I will answer another time. You need to find your friend, am I right?"

"Oh. Yes. Right. Any helpful advice I should know about before I, uh, almost die?" Sophie asked.

"I'm pretty sure you know mazes have dead ends. So there are many, and many creatures and traps will be hidden in there, but fortunately, all of the elves that have passed away in those same halls you will walk today, have been planted properly in the Wandering Woods.

"If you walk in, there is no going back. If you do, there is no possible chance you will make it through. You cannot look back. Even us Councillors have not gone through this maze before and will not ever try to do so if possible." Oralie finished.

"Oh, and one last thing. You cannot take anyone with you." Oralie added.

"But what if-" Sophie started.

"Promise me. You won't take anyone with you." Oralie said, the closest thing to a shout Sophie had ever seen Oralie use.

"I won't take anyone with me," Sophie said with specks of confusion on whys she couldn't take anyone with her in case she needed them.

Then she froze. It was very selfish of her to take someone with her to find her friend. If they left this world, she would most definitely go insane from the guilt.

Like Oralie had read her mind, she said, "If you take anyone with you, your first decision is very likely a very difficult choice, possibly a sacrifice. It'll lower your chance of getting the tracker, out and alive, even lower than it already was. Sophie, please, if you don't think you can do it, don't. You're a very important elf to our world. Sophie-"

"I can do it, Oralie. Even if I'm doing all of this for a rock, this rock will mean the world to me if we find Fitz, and if we don't, I don't want to know what will happen to me and my 'important elf' brain. I can do this. At least I hope I can..." Sophie said the last part quietly, but Oralie still heard, and a pained expression flashed on her face a for split second, yet Sophie still saw.

Pulling away from Oralie, she walked to the maze.

"See you on the other side, preferably alive." Sophie said.

Then she pushed the door open with no idea what was in store for her through those doors.

Hiya people! Thanks for being patient for my updates. Even if updating every two days is actually considered pretty quick updates on Wattpad.

I'll be entering this book into the Watty's Awards, an award you can get for your book. I have many hopes that this book will get this award with all you guy's support! I love you guys, and you guys should know it. You better.



Okay I'm done yelling at you guys. I just had to make that clear.

If you guys vote and comment you guys would make me the weirdest happy human in the world. And save my mom from getting a headache for watching me sulk. Yay. I'm sure my mom probably likes you guys more than she likes me. If you save her that headache. Nice mom she is. *smiles*

Thanks for voting and commenting to the ones who have! Even your reads mean much to me, those twenty people who have been sticking with me! LOYAL KEEPERS RULE!

Love you guys and have a nice day!


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