Green Means No

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???: Hey human! Can you let me in now please, I'm bored!!!




???: Hey! I know you can hear me!! Stop ignoring me!!!!!!

Here we see a creeper girl being obnoxiously loud. Looking towards where she's facing, a man stands in his house staring at the creeper girl from a window on the second floor of his house.

Y/N: *thinking*Is she always this loud, if so then I might not open that gate. Then again, she could be putting up an act to appear nice.

Y/N: Ameila, do you know who she is?

Y/N looked to his right to see the female enderman, Ameila, who was leaning on the wall next to the window.

Ameila: She's one of my friends and her name is Cupa. She's on the loud side, if you couldn't tell.

Y/N: I see, but is she.... hostile?

Ameila: No, not unless she gets enraged. She's always cheerful but can be pushy and childish at times.

Y/N: Hmmm, stay here.

He turned his attention back to the creeper girl who was still being loud. Having made up his mind, Y/N went downstairs, grabbed something from his chest, exited his house and got closer to speak with Cupa.

Cupa: Finally, you're here, can you open this gate for me please?

Y/N: I don't even know who you are.

Cupa: ...Eh?

Y/N: .....

Cupa: Oh right, introductions! My name is Cupa and I'm a creeper!

Y/N: My name is Y/N and I'm a human.

The creeper girl giggled a little before speaking.

Cupa: I know, my friend Ameila told me about you. But can you open this fence? I want to come in please.

Y/N: Why?

Cupa: Because I want a HUG!!

Y/N: *thinking* creeper + hug, probably not good.

Y/N: I don't know that. How do I know you won't explode?

That made Cupa huff and look away while pouting.

Cupa: That so mean!

Y/N let out a sigh as he opened the fence.

Y/N: Alright fine, it wasn't my intention to be rude. Can I apologize with a hug?

As soon as Y/N was finished speaking, Cupa jumped on him to give him a big hug. Y/N wrapped his arms around her waist while she pulled him close to her. She then whispered something into his ear.

Cupa: So.... you're cheating on me already?~

A faint *Tssssss* was coming from Cupa as she pulled Y/N as close as she could to her.

Y/N: Cupa........

Cupa: I saw Ameila looking at us through the window, now it makes sense why you took so long to come out here~

The *Tssssss* was getting louder and louder. Cupa's body started to glow white. Y/N unwrapped his hands from around her but she still held on to him tight.

Y/N: We aren't in a romantic relationship Cupa.

Cupa: But we are, maybe you need a little something to show you that we are together~

Y/N looked at Cupa's face and saw an expression he saw only once back in his home dimension. The face of a yandere.

 The face of a yandere

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And just like that, a tiny crater was formed where Cupa and Y/N stood. Ameila had watched as the two people disappear right before her eyes. Then, a door was heard opening then closed.


I just wanna say, I'm sorry for not updating. I lost motivation then recently got it back, plz forgive me.

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